Monkeypox Post-Covid Knowledge, Worrying, and Vaccine Adoption in the Arabic General Population

dc.authoridMohanty, Aroop/0000-0001-5634-5014
dc.authoridsah, Ranjit/0000-0002-2695-8714
dc.authoridHurlemann, Rene/0000-0003-2628-565X
dc.authoridShaddad, Ebrahim/0000-0001-8274-051X
dc.authoridIbrahim, Ismail/0000-0002-0805-8181
dc.authoridElsayed, Mohamed/0000-0002-0011-7837
dc.authoridBakdounes, Duaa/0000-0001-9339-6136
dc.authorwosidHafez, Wael/AEJ-1260-2022
dc.authorwosidAl-Qaisi, Mohmmad/AAC-1358-2020
dc.authorwosidPadhi, Bijaya/AAW-2384-2021
dc.authorwosidRodriguez-Morales, Alfonso/R-9765-2016
dc.authorwosidHurlemann, Rene/G-4164-2012
dc.authorwosidAlibrahim, Hidar/ABG-7657-2021
dc.authorwosidPadhi, Bijaya Kumar/E-7102-2010
dc.contributor.authorSwed, Sarya
dc.contributor.authorBohsas, Haidara
dc.contributor.authorAlibrahim, Hidar
dc.contributor.authorRakab, Amine
dc.contributor.authorHafez, Wael
dc.contributor.authorSawaf, Bisher
dc.contributor.authorSah, Ranjit
dc.departmentFenerbahçe Universityen_US
dc.department-temp[Swed, Sarya; Bohsas, Haidara; Alibrahim, Hidar] Aleppo Univ, Fac Med, Aleppo 15310, Syria; [Rakab, Amine] Weill Cornell Med Coll, Clin Med, Al Rayyan 36623, Qatar; [Hafez, Wael] NMC Royal Hosp, Natl Res Ctr, Dept Internal Med, Med Res Div, 16th St, Cairo 35233, Egypt; [Sawaf, Bisher] Syrian Private Univ, Dept Internal Med, Damascus, Syria; [Amir, Rais Mohammed] Univ Algiers 1, Fac Med Algiers, Alger Ctr, Alger Ctre 16000, Algeria; [Motawei, Ahmed Sallam] South Valley Univ, Qena Univ Hosp, Dept Neurosurg, Qena 83511, Egypt; [Motawei, Ahmed Sallam] Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Ophthalmol, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA; [Aljabali, Ahmed] Jordan Univ Sci & Technol, Fac Med, Ar Ramtha 72764, Jordan; [Shoib, Sheikh] JLNM Hosp, Rainawari 190001, India; [Shoib, Sheikh] Directorate Hlth Serv, Jammu and Kashmir 184121, India; [Ibrahim, Ismail Atef Ismail Ahmed] Fenerbahce Univ, Dept Phys Therapy & Rehabil, TR-34758 Istanbul, Turkiye; [Almashaqbeh, Sondos Hussein Ahmad] Univ Jordan, Amman 11110, Jordan; [Shaddad, Ebrahim Ahmed Qaid] Sanaa Univ, Fac Med, Sanaa 1247, Yemen; [Alqaisi, Maryam] MSH Stat, Cairo 45785, Egypt; [Abdelrahman, Ahmed] Zagazig Univ, Fac Med, Internal Med Dept, Zagazig 44519, Egypt; [Fathey, Sherihan] Dept Hlth, Giza 12511, Egypt; [Hurlemann, Rene; Elsayed, Mohamed E. G.; Padhi, Bijaya Kumar] Carl von Ossietzky Univ Oldenburg, Sch Med & Hlth Sci, Dept Psychiat, D-26122 Oldenburg, Germany; [Hurlemann, Rene] Univ Hosp Bonn, Dept Psychiat, D-53229 Bonn, Germany; [Hurlemann, Rene] Carl Von Ossietzky Univ Oldenburg, Res Ctr Neurosensory Sci, D-26122 Oldenburg, Germany; [Elsayed, Mohamed E. G.] Univ Ulm, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy3, D-89075 Ulm, Germany; [Barboza, Joshuan J.] Univ Cesar Vallejo, Escuela Med, Trujillo 13007, Peru; [Mohanty, Aroop] All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Clin Microbiol, Corakhpur 273008, India; [Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J.] Fdn Univ Autonoma Amer, Inst Univ Vis Amer, Fac Med, Grp Invest Biomed, Risaralda 660003, Colombia; [Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J.] Univ Cient, Sch Med, Clin Epidemiol & Biostat, Lima, Peru; [Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J.] Lebanese Amer Univ, Gilbert & Rose Marie Chagoury Sch Med, POB 36, Beirut, Lebanon; [Padhi, Bijaya Kumar] Postgrad Inst Med Educ & Res, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Community Med, Chandigarh 160012, India; [Sah, Ranjit] Tribhuvan Univ, Teaching Hosp, Inst Med, Dept Clin Microbiol, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal; [Sah, Ranjit] DY Patil Med Coll Hosp & Res Ctr, Dept Clin Microbiol, Pune 411000, Indiaen_US
dc.descriptionMohanty, Aroop/0000-0001-5634-5014; sah, Ranjit/0000-0002-2695-8714; Hurlemann, Rene/0000-0003-2628-565X; Shaddad, Ebrahim/0000-0001-8274-051X; Ibrahim, Ismail/0000-0002-0805-8181; Elsayed, Mohamed/0000-0002-0011-7837; Padhi, Bijaya Kumar/0000-0002-2828-2375; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J./0000-0001-9773-2192; Bohsas, Haidara/0000-0003-2134-3988; Hafez, Wael/0000-0003-1203-0808; Al-Mashaqbeh, Sondos/0000-0002-2618-8334; Daradkeh, Albaraa/0000-0002-8282-8236; Aljabali, Ahmed/0000-0003-1548-1639; Bakdounes, Duaa/0000-0001-9339-6136en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: The outbreak of monkeypox was declared a global public health emergency by the World Health Organization on 23 July 2022. There have been 60,000 cases reported worldwide, most of which are in places where monkeypox has never been seen due to the travel of people who have the virus. This research aims to evaluate the general Arabic population in regard to the monkeypox disease, fears, and vaccine adoption after the WHO proclaimed a monkeypox epidemic and to compare these attitudes to those of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in some Arabic countries (Syria, Egypt, Qatar, Yemen, Jordan, Sudan, Algeria, and Iraq) between 18 August and 7 September 2022. The inclusion criteria were the general public residing in Arabic nations and being older than 18. This questionnaire has 32 questions separated into three sections: sociodemographic variables, prior COVID-19 exposure, and COVID-19 vaccination history. The second portion assesses the knowledge and anxieties about monkeypox, while the third section includes the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD7) scale. Logistic regression analyses were performed to compute the adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and their confidence intervals (95%CI) using STATA (version 17.0). Results: A total of 3665 respondents from 17 Arabic countries were involved in this study. Almost two-thirds (n = 2427, 66.2%) of the participants expressed more worry about COVID-19 than monkeypox diseases. Regarding the major cause for concern about monkeypox, 39.5% of participants attributed their anxiety to the fear that they or a member of their family may contract the illness, while 38.4% were concerned about monkeypox becoming another worldwide pandemic. According to the GAD 7 score, 71.7% of the respondents showed very low anxiety toward monkeypox and 43.8% of the participants scored poor levels of knowledge about monkeypox disease. Participants with previous COVID-19 infection showed a 1.206 times greater acceptance to receive the monkeypox vaccine than those with no previous infection. A 3.097 times higher concern for monkeypox than COVID-19 was shown by the participants who perceived monkeypox as dangerous and virulent than those who did not. Participants who have a chronic disease (aOR: 1.32; 95%CI: 1.09-1.60); participants worried about monkeypox (aOR: 1.21; 95%CI: 1.04-1.40), and perceived monkeypox as a dangerous and virulent disease (aOR: 2.25; 95%CI: 1.92-2.65); and excellent knowledge level (aOR: 2.28; 95%CI: 1.79-2.90) have emerged as significant predictors. Conclusions: Our study reported that three-fourths of the participants were more concerned about COVID-19 than monkeypox disease. In addition, most of the participants have inadequate levels of knowledge regarding monkeypox disease. Hence, immediate action should be taken to address this problem. Consequently, learning about monkeypox and spreading information about its prevention is crucial.en_US
dc.description.woscitationindexScience Citation Index Expanded
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectVaccine Adoptionen_US
dc.titleMonkeypox Post-Covid Knowledge, Worrying, and Vaccine Adoption in the Arabic General Populationen_US
