Eroğlu, Nermin
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Eroglu, Nermin
Eroglu, N.
Eroglu, N.
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Doktor Öğretim
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Supervised Theses
12 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Master Thesis Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of Spiritual Fortitude Scale in Oncology Patient(2024) Eroğlu, Nermin; Eroğlu, Nermin; Hemşirelik BölümüAraştırma Manevi Dayanıklılık Ölçeği'nin onkoloji hastalarında Türkçe toplumundaki geçerlik ve güvenirliğini belirlemek için metodolojik olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerekli tüm izinler alındıktan sonra veriler Onkoloji Hastanesi kemoterapi ünitesinde Nisan-Haziran 2023 tarihinde 148 hastadan elde edilmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasında, 'Hasta Tanılama Formu' ve 'Manevi Dayanıklılık Ölçeği' kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizlerinde; dil geçerliği, kapsam geçerliği, yapı geçerliği, çarpıklık ve basıklık analizi, güvenirlik analizleri, test-tekrar test analizi, yakınsak ve ayrışma geçerliği testleri kullanılmıştır. Dil geçerliği için dil çevirisi, kapsam geçerliği için de uzman görüşü alınmıştır. Yapı geçerliği için Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin DFA bulguları Chi-Square/df=4,30, RMSEA=0,06, GFI=0,90, CFI=0,90 ve RMR=0,02 olarak bulunmuştur. DFA sonuçları, uyum iyiliği indeks değerlerinin literatürde önerilen aralıklar içinde olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Güvenirlik analizleri sonucuna göre ölçeğin Cronbach Alfa katsayısı 0,857, alt boyutlarının değerleri de 0,805-0,823 arasında bulunmuştur. Toplam madde korelasyon değerlerinin 0,446-0,700 arasında değişim gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Ölçekte yer alan değişkenlerin yapı geçerliğini test edebilmek için Yapı Güvenirliği (CR) ve Ortalama Açıklanan Varyans (AVE) değerleri bakılmıştır. Ölçeğin CR değerleri 0,803-0,865 arasında, AVE değerleri ise 0,535-0,632 arasında bulunmuştur. Çalışmamızda ölçeğin değişmezliğini değerlendirmek için test-tekrar test uygulanmıştır. Bu ölçümler arasında uyuma ilişkin ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient) değerlerine bakılmıştır. ICC değerleri 0,888 ile 0,902 arasında yüksek bulunmuş ve test-tekrar test değerleri arasında fark olmadığı saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak Manevi Dayanıklılık Ölçeği'nin onkoloji hastaları için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Geçerlik-güvenirlik, maneviyat, manevi dayanıklılık, onkoloji, ölçekArticle Citation Count: 7The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Subjective Taste Change Experienced by Patients With Cancer Receiving Outpatient Chemotherapy Treatment(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Eroğlu, Nermin; Taylan, Secil; Eroglu, Nermin; Kolac, Nurcan; Hemşirelik BölümüTaste changes and malnutrition are two important problems in patients with different types of cancer. This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between malnutrition and subjective taste changes experienced by cancer patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy. The study used a cross-sectional design and was carried out with 1382 patients with cancer receiving outpatient chemotherapy. Of the patients, 63.1% experienced taste changes. It was determined that 8.8% of patients had malnutrition according to the Mini Nutritional Assessment. The mean scores of patients experiencing malnutrition and being at risk for malnutrition from all sub-dimensions of The Chemotherapy-induced Taste Alteration Scale (CiTAS) were found to be higher than the patient group evaluated to have normal nutrition. It was determined that a unit increase in the scores of the parageusia and phantogeusia subscales of the CiTAS increased the risk of malnutrition by 3.36 times (%95 CI= 2.68-4.02). In line with these results, we recommend that patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy should be routinely evaluated in terms of taste changes in clinical practice and that they should be followed up in terms of malnutrition in the presence of taste changes.Article Citation Count: 0Evaluation of the Effect of Sociodemographic Characteristics of Patients With Prostate Cancer on Their Sexual Experiences and Self-Efficacy Sexual Experiences and Self-Efficacy of Individuals With Prostate Cancer(Springer, 2023) Eroğlu, Nermin; Ozkan, Ilknur; Hemşirelik BölümüThe study was planned as a descriptive study to evaluate the effects of sociodemographic characteristics of prostate cancer patients on their sexual experiences and self-efficacy. The sample of the study consisted of 69 patients with prostate cancer who were followed up for treatment in the outpatient clinic of an oncology hospital between December 2020 and March 2021 and met the inclusion criteria of the stud. Research data were collected by using the Patient Information Form, Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX)-Male, and Sexual Self-Efficacy Scale (SSES). The mean age of prostate cancer patients was 67.1 & PLUSMN; 11.74 years, 95.7% (n = 66) were married, 37.7% (n = 66) were university graduates, and 75.4% (n = 52) were unemployed. Patients' mean scores were 19.29 & PLUSMN; 7.66 on the total Sexual Self-Efficacy Scale and 22.08 & PLUSMN; 4.92 on the total Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale. In the study, it was determined that the sexual experiences and sexual self-efficacy of prostate cancer patients differed according to their education level, employment status, and duration of treatment. In the study, it was determined that patients with prostate cancer experienced sexual dysfunction and had low self-efficacy. In line with these results, our recommendations are for health professionals to evaluate the sexual functions of patients with prostate cancer and their sexual self-efficacy, which is an important determinant of sexual life, during the diagnosis, treatment, and care process. In addition, the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients should be considered when planning interventions that increase sexual self-efficacy in the management of sexual problems.Article Citation Count: 1Examination the Relationship Between the Health Literacy of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine(Makerere Univ, Coll Health Sciences,sch Med, 2023) Eroğlu, Nermin; Taylan, Secil; Eroglu, Nermin; Hemşirelik BölümüBackground: Health literacy and the use of complementary and alternative medicine are two important factors that should be evaluated the management of type 2 diabetes. Objectives: To examine the relationship between the health literacy of patients with type 2 diabetes and the use of complementary and alternative medicine. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out with 1076 patients with type 2 diabetes. The data were collected using a descriptive information form and the Health Literacy Scale. Results: It was found that 61.4% of the patients used complementary and alternative treatments. Patients' total score from the Health Literacy scale was 48.90 +/- 19.92. The use of complementary and alternative therapy increased in the presence of another chronic disease or diabetic neuropathy and decreased with increased age and health literacy (R-2 =050; Model: x(2)= 40.656, p=0.00). Conclusions: It was determined that the health literacy of patients with type 2 diabetes was not enough and that the use of complementary and alternative treatments was high. With the increase in patients' health literacy, the use of complementary and alternative medicine decreased. It is recommended that health professionals evaluate patients' health literacy and use of complementary and alternative therapies and provide counselling to ensure effective diabetes self-management.Master Thesis Evaluation of the Effect of Virtual Reality Glasses Used on Cancer Patients Receiving Outpatient Chemotherapy on Adaptation and Adherence To Treatment(2024) Eroğlu, Nermin; Eroğlu, Nermin; Hemşirelik BölümüAraştırma, ayaktan kemoterapi alan kanser hastalarında kullanılan sanal gerçeklik gözlüğünün anksiyete ve tedaviye uyuma etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla randomize kontrollü olarak gerçekleştirildi. Bir araştırma hastanesinde ayaktan kemoterapi ünitesinde 1 Nisan- 31 Eylül 2023 tarihleri arasında 21 günde bir intravenöz kemoterapi tedavisi alan 15 deney, 15 kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam 30 hasta çalışmanın örneklemini oluşturdu. Araştırma verileri Hasta Bilgi Formu, Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği (BAÖ), Kronik Hastalıklara Uyum Ölçeği (KHUÖ) ve Sanal Gerçeklik Gözlüğü kullanılarak toplandı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde bağımsız gruplarda kategorik değişkenlerin oranları arasındaki farklar Ki-Kare testleri ile analiz edildi. İki bağımsız grup arasında niceliksel sürekli verilerin karşılaştırılmasında t-testi kullanıldı. Grup içi ölçümlerin karşılaştırılmasında bağımlı gruplar t-testi kullanıldı. Araştırma hakkında bilgi verdikten sonra her iki gruptaki hastalara ön-test uygulandı. Deney grubundaki hastalara 3 kür kemoterapi tedavisi boyunca sanal gerçeklik gözlüğü ile 3 farklı video izletildi, 3. kür sonunda iki gruba da son test uygulandı. Hastaların gruba göre anksiyete son-test ölçümleri anlamlı farklılık gösterdi (t(28)=3.132; p=0.004<0,05). Kontrol grubunda anksiyete son-test ölçümleri (x̄=12,067), deney grubunda anksiyete son-test ölçümlerinden (x̄=6,667) yüksek bulundu. Hastaların gruba göre kronik hastalıklara uyum toplam son-test ölçümleri anlamlı farklılık gösterdi (t(28)=-3.687; p=0.001<0,05). Deney grubunda kronik hastalıklara uyum toplam son-test ölçümleri (x̄=98,400), kontrol grubunda kronik hastalıklara uyum toplam son-test ölçümlerinden (x̄=87,067) yüksek bulundu. Ayaktan kemoterapi alan kanser hastalarında kullanılan sanal gerçeklik gözlüğünün anksiyeteyi azaltıp tedaviye uyumu arttığı saptandı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Anksiyete, kemoterapi, sanal gerçeklik, tedaviye uyumArticle Citation Count: 0Disaster Risk Perception and Sustainable Earthquake Awareness Among Public and Private University Nursing Students(Wiley, 2024) Eroğlu, Nermin; Nirgiz, Cansu; Nirgiz, Cansu; Hemşirelik BölümüBackground: This research was conducted in descriptive type to determine the disaster risk perception and sustainable earthquake awareness of nursing students studying at public and private universities. Methods: The study sample consisted of 400 nursing students studying at one public and one private university. The research was conducted between April and May 2023. The data were collected using a Sociodemographic Form, University Students Disaster Risk Perception Scale (USDRPS), and Sustainable Earthquake Awareness Scale (SEAS). Data were collected online using a questionnaire created on Google Forms. Analyses included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation values, independent groups t-test, post-hoc Tukey test, LSD, and ANOVA test. Results: Of the students, 61.8% had a disaster experience, 17.4% had lost a relative in the disaster, and 76.8% did not consider themselves prepared for a possible disaster. In the study, the exposure sub-dimension score of the disaster risk perception scale was found to be higher in students who had disaster experience than in those who did not (p = 0.032). Nursing students from the private university had higher sustainable earthquake awareness scores than those studying at the state university (p = 0.001). The mean scores of female students on the earthquake preparedness and preparation application sub-dimensions showed a significant difference compared to the scores of male students (p = 0.016). In the study, sustainable earthquake awareness total and earthquake preparedness sub-dimension scores were higher in second-year nursing students than in students of other years (p = 0.042; 0.015). Those who had received disaster training had low scores on the uncontrollable sub-dimension of the disaster risk perception scale, and high scores on the total SEAS and earthquake-structure relationship, earthquake preparedness, and earthquake preparation application sub-dimensions (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In the study, three out of four students did not find themselves prepared for disasters. Those who had disaster experience had higher disaster risk perceptions. Students who had received disaster-related training had more positive earthquake preparedness, earthquake-structure relationship, and earthquake preparation applications than those who had not. Students who were female and were in the second year had higher earthquake awareness. Studies can be carried out to inform people about the pre-disaster and preparation stages to raise awareness about disasters at universities. Education on disaster management can be integrated into courses from the first years of university.Article Citation Count: 0The Effect of Training on Stress and Coping With Stress in Patients Receiving Infertility Treatment(Cukurova Univ, Fac Medicine, 2020) Eroğlu, Nermin; Temiz, Gamze; Hemşirelik BölümüPurpose: This study was planned and applied semi-experimentally to examine the effect of education given to patients receiving infertility treatment on stress and coping with stress. Materials and Methods: The study is semi-experimental. It was held between May 2017 and January 2018 with individuals who applied to a foundation hospital in Istanbul province for IVF treatment. The sample was made up of 40 infertile individuals. The data were collected by the researcher through face-to-face interview method. Training was given after pretesting. Post-test was performed one month after the training. Results: The pre-education stress scale of middle school graduates of infertile women was higher, this difference disappeared after education, and there was a statistically significant difference between the infertility stress and coping scale subscale mean scores. As the use of active ignoring, active struggling and passive ignoring coping methods of women, the use of the methods of coping with the infertility subscale scores increased, the infertility stress subscale scores increased.. Conclusion: In this study, the relationship between infertility and stress research was investigated and it was concluded that the treatment process and results are an important source of stress in patients. According to the results obtained, it is recommended to determine the stress level and methods of coping with stress, and provide training and counseling on patients who apply to the hospital for infertility treatment.Correction Citation Count: 0Determining the Type 2 Diabetes Risks and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of First Year University Students (vol 6, Pg 420, 2022)(Dokuz Eylul Univ inst Health Sciences, 2023) Eroğlu, Nermin; Temiz, Gamze; Hemşirelik Bölümü[No Abstract Available]Article Citation Count: 0Evaluating the Styles of Coping With Stress of Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis During the Covid - 19 Pandemic(Marmara Univ, inst Health Sciences, 2022) Eroğlu, Nermin; Tosun, Anıl; Hemşirelik Bölümü; Fizyoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüObjective: Multiple sclerosis (MS)is among the most influential environmental factors. Quarantine days during Covid-19 outbreak can cause conditions such as anxiety, isolation stress, financial and long-term economic stress, including health concerns.The descriptive study was planned and applied with the aim of examining the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on the styles of coping with stress of individuals with multiple sclerosis. Methods: The study was carried out on 246 volunteer individuals during April2020-May2020 following the approval of the Turkey MS Association and the briefing provided to the individuals.The data were acquired via Personal Information Form and The Styles of Coping with Stress Scale. Results: The mean age of individuals with MS was 39.41 +/- 9.06 years. Statistically significant increase was found in the sub-dimensions of optimistic and helpless approach with gender, submissive approach with marital status, helpless and submissive approach with education status, helpless, submissive and seeking social support sub-dimensions with working status (p<0.0, p<0.05). Conclusion: It was determined that individuals with MS use the helpless approach and submissive approach most frequently in coping with stress during the Covid-19 pandemic.It was determined that those living with their families mostly use the optimistic approach and selfconfident approach.It is thought that MS associations will be effective in coping with stress in reducing symptoms and social and physical support through informative meetings, home visits, psychotherapies, yoga and organized trainings.Article Citation Count: 19The Effect of Education Given To Type 2 Diabetic Individuals on Diabetes Self-Management and Self-Efficacy: Randomized Controlled Trial(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2021) Eroğlu, Nermin; Sabuncu, Necmiye; Hemşirelik BölümüAim: This study used a randomized controlled trial design and was carried out to examine the effect of education on diabetes self-management and self-efficacy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: The study was carried out between July 2016-March 2017. Data were collected using information form, Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ), self-efficacy scale for patients with type 2 diabetes (DSS).The individuals in the experimental group were given education. Both groups were reminded about the control time of their metabolic values on the phone in the 3rd and 6th months. Results: The average age of the individuals was 59.91 +/- 8.93 (n = 78), 62.8% (n = 49) were female, 92.3% (n = 72), were married, 42.3% (n = 33) were high school graduates and their diabetes duration was 7.05 +/- 3.9. There was a statistically significant difference in the 6th month metabolic values in the experimental group compared to the control group. When diabetes self-management and self-efficacy were examined, a statistically significant difference was found in the experimental group compared to the control group at 3rd and 6th months (p < 0.05, p < 0.01). Conclusion: In this study, a significant increase in diabetes self-management and self-efficacy and a significant decrease in metabolic values were observed as a result of education and phone reminders given to individuals with type 2 diabetes. (c) 2021 Primary Care Diabetes Europe. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.