Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi
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Researcher Citation - WoS: 214Article Citation Count: 2Accentuated Eccentric Load Training: Traditional Set Versus Cluster Set(Iermakov S S, 2022) Pınar, Salih; Pinar, Salih; Kaya, Selman; Antrenörlük Eğitimi BölümüBackground and Study Aim Material and MethodsThis study aims to comparatively analyse the effects of cluster set (CS) and traditional set (TS) applications on strength and power outputs in accentuated eccentric load (AEL) training. Thirty-two amateur male football players with at least 2 years of strength training history participated in the study (Xage: 18,78 +/- 0,83 years, Xheight:166,73 +/- 8,61 cm., Xbody weight: 69,59 +/- 6,03 kg.). Participants were randomly divided into two groups: CS (n=16) and TS (n=16). In both groups, the same "AEL Training" was applied and different set models were used. Augmented eccentric load (AEL) training was performed with 3 sets of 8 repetitions, 50% concentric and 80% eccentric of 1 Repetition Maximum (1-RM) and with a fast lifting tempo. The sets were completed with 20 seconds of rest after every two repetitions in the AEL-CS group and without any rest between repetitions in the AEL-TS group, and the training sessions were performed twice a week for 4 weeks. Countermovement jump (CMJ), 50cm drop jump-reactive strenght index (DJ-RSI) test, 1-RM strenght test, 10-20-30m sprint test and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) were performed on the athletes before and after the training.ResultsWhen analysing the data obtained in this study, Skewness and Kurtosis values and Kolmogorov-Smirnov values were examined to determine homogeneity. In order to compare the pre-test and post-test averages between groups, ANOVA was used for Repeated Measures, and Sample T Test was used to compare the pre-test and post-test averages within groups. The statistical significance level was determined as p<0.05. When the groups were compared, the difference in the improvement rate averages was tested. At the end of the four-week study, drop jump-reactive strength index (DJ-RSI), countermovement jump (CMJ), Illinois Agility Test (IAT) 10-20-30m sprint values and 1-RM values were improved percentage-wise in both AEL-CS and AEL-TS groups. Between the groups, a significant difference was observed between DJ-RSI, CMJ, and 10-20-m Sprint Test results (p<0.05). When we compare the results within groups, it can be concluded that the AEL-CS group showed more improvement in terms of strength, change of direction (COD) skills and Sprint compared to the AEL-TS group.ConclusionsIn conclusion, it can be advised to use cluster set in accentuated eccentric load training in order to improve strength, Sprint and COD skills.Article Citation Count: 6Acute Changes in Electrophysiological Brain Dynamics in Elite Karate Players(Springer international Publishing Ag, 2020) Balcıoğlu, Taylan Hayri; Balcioglu, Taylan Hayri; Ozcan Cakir, Canan Elif; Goksel Duru, Dilek; Antrenörlük Eğitimi BölümüRegular physical exercise has enhanced effects on the human anatomy and functionality. Recently, an effect of a single set of exercise is shown to have positive effects on mood and on cognitive functioning. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of a single bout of moderate exercise on the brain electrophysiological dynamics in resting-state condition and under the mental workload situation from elite-level athletes. For this purpose, electroencephalogram (EEG) is measured before and after the exercise sessions from 17 elite karate players who are members of the national karate team of Turkey. Blood lactate measurements are implemented to monitor the volunteers before EEG measurements. EEG data are analyzed using three metrics: conventional band power of each electrode, coherence metrics between electrodes for each band and source coherence values corresponding to each frequency band. Each metric is statistically analyzed between pre- and post-values, and results revealed that in all frequency bands, right parietal electrode had increased connection values which are thought to be related to ongoing sympathetic nervous system response observed during the recovery period. Another finding is the enhanced connectivity of frontal sources under the resting state as well as during the increased mental workload periods.Article Citation Count: 0Adaptation of Caregivers' Task Scale for Multiple Sclerosis To Turkish Society: Validity and Reliability Study(Dokuz Eylul Univ inst Health Sciences, 2022) Eroğlu, Nermin; Tosun, Anil Tekeoglu; Hemşirelik BölümüObjectives: This study was planned and carried out methodologically to adapt the Caregiving Tasks in Multiple Sclerosis Scale (CTiMSS) to Turkish society. Methods: A methodological research. The study was conducted with caregivers of individuals with multiple sclerosis who presented to the neurology clinic of a university hospital between June 2019 and September 2020. The validity and reliability study of the Caregiving Tasks in Multiple Sclerosis Scale (CTiMSS) was performed with a total of 142 individuals, which is more than 5 times the number of items on the scale (24 items). Results: The validity of the CTiMSS was evaluated with language validity, construct validity (CFA), and content validity. The reliability coefficient of the internal consistency analysis (Cronbach's Alpha) was found to be extremely high (0.97). Item-total correlation of the scale was examined, and accordingly, no items were removed from the scale. The scale was administered to 30 patients at a two-week interval to analyze test-retest reliability and time-dependent invariance. Conclusion: The CTiMSS, which was adapted to Turkish society to evaluate the tasks of individuals providing care for individuals with multiple sclerosis, is a valid and reliable tool. We recommend that it should be administered to different groups and cultures to increase its evidence value. CTiMSS is an appropriate measurement tool to determine the duties of caregivers of individuals with multiple sclerosis.Article Citation Count: 0Adolesan Sporcularda Olumlu Beden İmgesi ile Mükemmeliyetçilik İlişkisinde Öz Şefkatin Aracılık Rolünün Spor Türüne Göre İncelenmesi(2024) Güngören, Fatma Eda; Aşçı, F. HülyaBu çalışmanın amacı adolesan sporcularda olumlu beden imgesi ile mükemmeliyetçilik ilişkisinde öz şefkatin aracılık rolünün spor türüne göre incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya İstanbul ilindeki kulüplerde bireysel ve takım sporlarıyla uğraşan, en az 2 yıl spor deneyimi olan 381 (x̄yaş=15,95± 1,05) kız sporcu katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan sporculara Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Beden Değeri Ölçeği-2; Öz Şefkat Ölçeği-Kısa Formu ve Spora Özgü Çok Boyutlu Mükemmeliyetçilik Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizi Process Macro eklentisi aracılığıyla IBM SPSS kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada aracılık ilişkisini incelemek amacıyla oluşturulan modelleme ‘Koşullu Süreç Modeli’ kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, mükemmeliyetçiliğin kişisel standartlar (B=-0,16; p<0,00), hatalarla aşırı ilgilenme (B=-0,33; p<0,05), algılanan ebeveyn baskısı (B=-0,13; p<0,05) ve algılanan koç baskısı (B=-0,20; p<0,05) alt boyutları ile öz şefkat arasında negatif ilişki vardır. Mükemmeliyetçiliğin kişisel standartlar (B= 0,38; p<0,05) alt boyutu olumlu beden imgesi ile pozitif ilişkiliyken, hatalarla aşırı ilgilenme (B=0,04; p>0,05), algılanan ebeveyn baskısı (B=0,14; p> 0,05), ve algılanan koç baskısı (B=0,01; p> 0,05), olumlu beden imgesi arasındaki ilişki anlamlı bulunmamıştır ve tüm bu ilişkilerde spor türü düzenleyici role sahip değildir. Ayrıca, bulgular öz şefkatin; kişisel standartlar, hatalarla aşırı ilgilenme, algılanan ebeveyn baskısı ve algılanan koç baskısı ile olumlu beden imgesi arasındaki ilişkiye aracılık ettiğini, bu aracılık etkisinde spor türünün düzenleyici rolü olmadığını göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, adolesan sporcuların mükemmeliyetçilik düzeyleri öz şefkatten etkilenerek onların, olumlu beden imgesi düzeylerini etkilemektedir ve bu etkiler sporcuların bireysel veya takım sporu ile uğraşmalarına göre değişmemektedir.Article Citation Count: 0Adsorption Mechanisms, Kinetics and Photoactivities of Green Synthesized Hydroxyapatite Supported Zno and La-Zno Catalysts(Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2024) Tuncel Turan, Duygu; Okte, A. Neren; Temel Eczacılık Bilimleri BölümüIn this study, hydroxyapatite (HAP) is synthesized by a co-precipitation method from the waste eggshell, utilized as a support for ZnO (ZnO-HAP) and La-ZnO (La-ZnO-HAP) and employed to degrade methyl orange (MO) and methylene blue (MB) dyes under UV irradiation. Water vapor adsorption as relative humidity (84 % RH) on the HAP structure and the as-prepared catalysts are also examined. The characteristic ZnO and HAP reflections are detected in X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of ZnO-HAP, La-ZnO-HAP and humidified samples. ZnO and La-ZnO existence is also verified by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) analysis, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance (UV-Vis DRS) spectra and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS). ZnO and La-ZnO loading on the HAP induce the formation of mesoporous structures with high surface areas. Dark adsorption capacities and photoactivities of the as-prepared samples are explored regarding electrostatic interactions, Lewis acid-base interactions and hydrogen bonding for both MO and MB. In particular, La-ZnO-HAP 500 degrees C and La-ZnO-HAP 500 degrees C (RH) exhibit improved adsorption abilities and photoactivities. The pseudo-second order model describes the kinetic behavior of all samples under dark conditions. Unhumidified samples follow Langmuir isotherm while Freundlich isotherm better fits humidified ones. Under irradiation, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model describes the photoactivities of all samples. The four recycling tests confirm the stabilities of HAP 100 degrees C, HAP 500 degrees C, ZnO-HAP 500 degrees C and La-ZnO-HAP 500 degrees C. This study suggests that the ZnO or La-ZnO loaded HAP catalysts prepared in the presence and absence of humid conditions are considered promising materials for environmental remediation.Researcher Citation - Institution Affiliated: 9Citation - WoS: 878Researcher Review Citation Count: 0Age-Specific Seroprevalence of Hepatitis a Virus in Turkey Between 2000 and 2023: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis(Mdpi, 2024) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Koroglu, Mehmet; Demiray, Tayfur; Terzi, Huseyin Agah; Kilbas, Elmas Pinar Kahraman; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler BölümüBackground: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a leading cause of acute viral hepatitis and is primarily transmitted by the fecal-oral route. The clinical presentation and progression of the disease varies according to the age of the patient. Turkey is classified as a moderately endemic country, and HAV infection continues to be an important public health problem worldwide. Methods: In this study, a systematic meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate age-specific HAV seroprevalence rates in Turkey between 2000 and 2023. A comprehensive literature review identified 57 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The studies were assessed for quality, and seroprevalence rates were evaluated across four different age groups. Statistical analyses were performed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software (CMAVersion 3.0) and SPSS (SPSS Statistics 25.0). Results: HAV seroprevalence rates were found to be 73.18% in the 0 < 5 age group and 90.90% in the >35 age group. The overall seroprevalence estimated using a random effects model was 64.5% (95% CI: 58.3-70). High heterogeneity was observed among the studies, and the prevalence estimates changed when low-quality studies were excluded. Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests that the increasing trend in HAV IgG seroprevalence in Turkey, especially among young populations, is likely due to the vaccination program initiated in 2012. Furthermore, the heterogeneity observed among regions highlights the importance of regional public health strategies. Future studies should focus on providing more detailed data to evaluate the long-term effects of vaccination and to explain regional differences in HAV seroprevalence.Researcher Researcher Citation - Institution Affiliated: 0Citation - Scopus: 55Citation - WoS: 44Researcher Citation - Institution Affiliated: 0Citation - Scopus: 118Citation - WoS: 60Researcher Researcher Citation - Institution Affiliated: 1Citation - WoS: 1Researcher Citation - Institution Affiliated: 0Citation - WoS: 0Researcher Researcher Citation - WoS: 1Researcher Citation - Institution Affiliated: 6Citation - Scopus: 5Citation - WoS: 7Researcher Citation - WoS: 38Researcher Citation - Institution Affiliated: 0Citation - WoS: 15