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Article Citation Count: 2Accentuated Eccentric Load Training: Traditional Set Versus Cluster Set(Iermakov S S, 2022) Pınar, Salih; Pinar, Salih; Kaya, Selman; Antrenörlük Eğitimi BölümüBackground and Study Aim Material and MethodsThis study aims to comparatively analyse the effects of cluster set (CS) and traditional set (TS) applications on strength and power outputs in accentuated eccentric load (AEL) training. Thirty-two amateur male football players with at least 2 years of strength training history participated in the study (Xage: 18,78 +/- 0,83 years, Xheight:166,73 +/- 8,61 cm., Xbody weight: 69,59 +/- 6,03 kg.). Participants were randomly divided into two groups: CS (n=16) and TS (n=16). In both groups, the same "AEL Training" was applied and different set models were used. Augmented eccentric load (AEL) training was performed with 3 sets of 8 repetitions, 50% concentric and 80% eccentric of 1 Repetition Maximum (1-RM) and with a fast lifting tempo. The sets were completed with 20 seconds of rest after every two repetitions in the AEL-CS group and without any rest between repetitions in the AEL-TS group, and the training sessions were performed twice a week for 4 weeks. Countermovement jump (CMJ), 50cm drop jump-reactive strenght index (DJ-RSI) test, 1-RM strenght test, 10-20-30m sprint test and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) were performed on the athletes before and after the training.ResultsWhen analysing the data obtained in this study, Skewness and Kurtosis values and Kolmogorov-Smirnov values were examined to determine homogeneity. In order to compare the pre-test and post-test averages between groups, ANOVA was used for Repeated Measures, and Sample T Test was used to compare the pre-test and post-test averages within groups. The statistical significance level was determined as p<0.05. When the groups were compared, the difference in the improvement rate averages was tested. At the end of the four-week study, drop jump-reactive strength index (DJ-RSI), countermovement jump (CMJ), Illinois Agility Test (IAT) 10-20-30m sprint values and 1-RM values were improved percentage-wise in both AEL-CS and AEL-TS groups. Between the groups, a significant difference was observed between DJ-RSI, CMJ, and 10-20-m Sprint Test results (p<0.05). When we compare the results within groups, it can be concluded that the AEL-CS group showed more improvement in terms of strength, change of direction (COD) skills and Sprint compared to the AEL-TS group.ConclusionsIn conclusion, it can be advised to use cluster set in accentuated eccentric load training in order to improve strength, Sprint and COD skills.Article Citation Count: 0Adaptation of Caregivers' Task Scale for Multiple Sclerosis To Turkish Society: Validity and Reliability Study(Dokuz Eylul Univ inst Health Sciences, 2022) Eroğlu, Nermin; Tosun, Anil Tekeoglu; Hemşirelik BölümüObjectives: This study was planned and carried out methodologically to adapt the Caregiving Tasks in Multiple Sclerosis Scale (CTiMSS) to Turkish society. Methods: A methodological research. The study was conducted with caregivers of individuals with multiple sclerosis who presented to the neurology clinic of a university hospital between June 2019 and September 2020. The validity and reliability study of the Caregiving Tasks in Multiple Sclerosis Scale (CTiMSS) was performed with a total of 142 individuals, which is more than 5 times the number of items on the scale (24 items). Results: The validity of the CTiMSS was evaluated with language validity, construct validity (CFA), and content validity. The reliability coefficient of the internal consistency analysis (Cronbach's Alpha) was found to be extremely high (0.97). Item-total correlation of the scale was examined, and accordingly, no items were removed from the scale. The scale was administered to 30 patients at a two-week interval to analyze test-retest reliability and time-dependent invariance. Conclusion: The CTiMSS, which was adapted to Turkish society to evaluate the tasks of individuals providing care for individuals with multiple sclerosis, is a valid and reliable tool. We recommend that it should be administered to different groups and cultures to increase its evidence value. CTiMSS is an appropriate measurement tool to determine the duties of caregivers of individuals with multiple sclerosis.Article Citation Count: 0Adolesan Sporcularda Olumlu Beden İmgesi ile Mükemmeliyetçilik İlişkisinde Öz Şefkatin Aracılık Rolünün Spor Türüne Göre İncelenmesi(2024) Güngören, Fatma Eda; Aşçı, F. HülyaBu çalışmanın amacı adolesan sporcularda olumlu beden imgesi ile mükemmeliyetçilik ilişkisinde öz şefkatin aracılık rolünün spor türüne göre incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya İstanbul ilindeki kulüplerde bireysel ve takım sporlarıyla uğraşan, en az 2 yıl spor deneyimi olan 381 (x̄yaş=15,95± 1,05) kız sporcu katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan sporculara Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Beden Değeri Ölçeği-2; Öz Şefkat Ölçeği-Kısa Formu ve Spora Özgü Çok Boyutlu Mükemmeliyetçilik Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizi Process Macro eklentisi aracılığıyla IBM SPSS kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada aracılık ilişkisini incelemek amacıyla oluşturulan modelleme ‘Koşullu Süreç Modeli’ kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, mükemmeliyetçiliğin kişisel standartlar (B=-0,16; p<0,00), hatalarla aşırı ilgilenme (B=-0,33; p<0,05), algılanan ebeveyn baskısı (B=-0,13; p<0,05) ve algılanan koç baskısı (B=-0,20; p<0,05) alt boyutları ile öz şefkat arasında negatif ilişki vardır. Mükemmeliyetçiliğin kişisel standartlar (B= 0,38; p<0,05) alt boyutu olumlu beden imgesi ile pozitif ilişkiliyken, hatalarla aşırı ilgilenme (B=0,04; p>0,05), algılanan ebeveyn baskısı (B=0,14; p> 0,05), ve algılanan koç baskısı (B=0,01; p> 0,05), olumlu beden imgesi arasındaki ilişki anlamlı bulunmamıştır ve tüm bu ilişkilerde spor türü düzenleyici role sahip değildir. Ayrıca, bulgular öz şefkatin; kişisel standartlar, hatalarla aşırı ilgilenme, algılanan ebeveyn baskısı ve algılanan koç baskısı ile olumlu beden imgesi arasındaki ilişkiye aracılık ettiğini, bu aracılık etkisinde spor türünün düzenleyici rolü olmadığını göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, adolesan sporcuların mükemmeliyetçilik düzeyleri öz şefkatten etkilenerek onların, olumlu beden imgesi düzeylerini etkilemektedir ve bu etkiler sporcuların bireysel veya takım sporu ile uğraşmalarına göre değişmemektedir.Review Citation Count: 0Age-Specific Seroprevalence of Hepatitis a Virus in Turkey Between 2000 and 2023: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis(Mdpi, 2024) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Koroglu, Mehmet; Demiray, Tayfur; Terzi, Huseyin Agah; Kilbas, Elmas Pinar Kahraman; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler BölümüBackground: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a leading cause of acute viral hepatitis and is primarily transmitted by the fecal-oral route. The clinical presentation and progression of the disease varies according to the age of the patient. Turkey is classified as a moderately endemic country, and HAV infection continues to be an important public health problem worldwide. Methods: In this study, a systematic meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate age-specific HAV seroprevalence rates in Turkey between 2000 and 2023. A comprehensive literature review identified 57 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The studies were assessed for quality, and seroprevalence rates were evaluated across four different age groups. Statistical analyses were performed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software (CMAVersion 3.0) and SPSS (SPSS Statistics 25.0). Results: HAV seroprevalence rates were found to be 73.18% in the 0 < 5 age group and 90.90% in the >35 age group. The overall seroprevalence estimated using a random effects model was 64.5% (95% CI: 58.3-70). High heterogeneity was observed among the studies, and the prevalence estimates changed when low-quality studies were excluded. Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests that the increasing trend in HAV IgG seroprevalence in Turkey, especially among young populations, is likely due to the vaccination program initiated in 2012. Furthermore, the heterogeneity observed among regions highlights the importance of regional public health strategies. Future studies should focus on providing more detailed data to evaluate the long-term effects of vaccination and to explain regional differences in HAV seroprevalence.Other Citation Count: 0Aktivist Reklamlara Yönelik Y ve Z Kuşağının Tutumunun Satın Alma Niyetine Etkisi(2024) Ugur, Hülya; Tosun, Nurhan ZeynepTüketicilerin beklenti ve istekleri doğrultusunda markaların toplumsal konuları gündeme getirerek yeniden canlanması ve eşitlik, adalet gibi temel ve varoluşsal konuları içeren reklam mesajları, yeni bir reklam paradigmasının ortaya çıkmasına zemin hazırlamıştır. Aktivist reklamcılık olarak ifade edilen bu yaklaşım markaların reklam kampanyalarında hedef kitlelerine toplumsal ve sosyal konulara yönelik mesajlar iletmelerini içermektedir. Özellikle toplumsal ve sosyal konularda daha duyarlı olan ve markalardan farklılıklar bekleyen Y ve Z kuşakları için markaların aktivist bir duruş sergilemeleri büyük önem taşımaya başlamıştır. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışma, yeni bir reklamcılık akımına ışık tutan aktivist reklamlara yönelik tutumların satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada reklama yönelik tutum oluşumu üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olan (a) reklam değeri, (b) güvenilirlik (c) bilgilendiricilik, (d) aldatıcılık, (e) eğlendiricilik ve (f) rahatsız edicilik tutum değişkenlerinin aktivist reklama yönelik tutum ve satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi de irdelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan anket tekniği kullanılarak 417'si Y kuşağı ve 417'si Z kuşağı olmak üzere 834 birey anket çalışmasıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Y ve Z kuşağı katılımcıları bağlamında aktivist reklamlara yönelik tutumların satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirildiğinde, regresyon analizinin bağımlı değişken (satın alma niyeti) ile bağımsız değişken (reklama yönelik tutum) arasındaki etkileşimi anlamlı bir şekilde ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca reklama yönelik tutum oluşumunda önemli rol oynayan tutum değişkenleri boyutlarının aktivist reklama yönelik tutum ve satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirildiğinde, bağımlı değişkenler (tutum, satın alma niyeti) ile bağımsız değişkenler (reklam değeri, bilgilendiricilik, aldatıcılık, eğlendirici ve rahatsız edici, güvenilirlik) arasındaki etkileşimi açıklayan regresyon analizinin de anlamlı sonuçlar verdiği görülmektedir.Article Citation Count: 3Analysis for Two-Dimensional Inverse Quasilinear Parabolic Problem by Fourier Method(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021) Kanca, Fatma; Baglan, Irem; Bilgisayar Mühendisliği BölümüIn this work, two-dimensional inverse quasi-linear parabolic problem with periodic boundary and integral overdetermination conditions is investigated. The formal solution is obtained by the Fourier approximation. Under some natural regularity and consistency conditions on the input data,the existence, uniqueness and continuously dependence upon the data of the solution are proved by iteration method. The inverse problem is first examined by linearization and then used implicit finite difference scheme for the numerical solution. Also predictor corrector method is considered in the numerical approach. Some results on the numerical solution with two examples are presented with figures and tables. The sensitivity of the scheme with respect to noisy overdetermination data is illustrated.Article Citation Count: 1Analysis of Substance Use and Mental Disorder Diagnoses in Adolescents With a History of Delinquency: a Cross-Sectional Study(Springer, 2024) Dikeç, Gül; Dikec, Gul; Tas Soylu, Gulsenay; Bilac, Oznur; Uzunoglu, Gulcin; Ayakdas Dagli, Dilek; Hemşirelik BölümüThis study aimed to evaluate substance use and comorbid mental disorders in delinquent adolescents presenting to a child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic. This study included 47 adolescents aged 15-18 years and had a history of delinquency. Data were collected using the Addiction Profile Index Adolescent Form (API-A) and an information form. Results indicated that the adolescents' mean age is 16.11 +/- 1.05 years, 78.7% had committed crimes against property and 34.0% against the person, and 34.0% were also victims of crime. Mean API-A total scores indicated that their level of substance use was low. In addition, mean API-A total scores showed significant differences according to the adolescents' migration status, age, economic status, school attendance, mental disorder diagnosis, duration of mental disorder, and type of offense (p < 0.05). The benefit provided by timely and appropriate psychosocial interventions may have a key role in solving this problem for adolescents and improving their future as adults.Article Citation Count: 7Antibiotic Use and Influencing Factors Among Hospitalized Patients With Covid-19: a Multicenter Point-Prevalence Study From Turkey(Galenos Publ House, 2022) Ağalar, Canan; Cag, Yasemin; Karabay, Oguz; Kurtaran, Behice; Guclu, Ertugrul; Ogutlu, Aziz; Agalar, Canan; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler BölümüBackground: Broad-spectrum empirical antimicrobials arc frequently prescribed for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) despite the lack of evidence for bacterial coinfection. Aims: We aimed to cross-sectionally determine the frequency of antibiotics use, type of antibiotics prescribed, and the factors influencing antibiotics use in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Study Design: The study was a national, multicenter, retrospective. and single-day point prevalence study. Methods: This was a national, multicenter, retrospective, and single-day point-prevalence study, conducted in the 24-h period between 00:00 and 24:00 on November 18, 2020, during the start of the second COVID-19 peak in Turkey. Results: A total of 1500 patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of COVID-19 were included in the study. The mean age +/- standard deviation of the patients was 65.0 +/- 15.5, and 56.2% (n = 843) of these patients were men. Of these hospitalized patients, 11.9% (n = 178) were undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO. It was observed that 1118 (74.5%) patients were receiving antibiotics, of which 416 (372%) were prescribed a combination of antibiotics. In total, 71.2% of the patients had neither a clinical diagnosis nor microbiological evidence for prescribing antibiotics. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, hospitalization in a state hospital (p < 0.001), requiring any supplemental oxygen (p = 0.005). presence of moderate/diffuse lung involvement (p < 0.001), C-reactive protein >10 ULT coefficient (p < 0.001), lymphocyte count < 800 (p = 0.007), and clinical diagnosis and/or confirmation by culture (p <0.001) were found to be independent factors associated with increased antibiotic use. Conclusion: The necessity of empirical antibiotics use in patients with COVID-19 should be reconsidered according to their clinical, imaging, and laboratory findings.Article Citation Count: 0Antimicrobial Effect of Drinkable Lugol Solution(2024) Tunç, Ayşe Karacalı; Sarıtaş, Büşra Merve; Marzi, Mahdi; Dursun, Feray; Kaya, ŞevinThe death rates due to infection in patients receiving long-term antibiotic treatment and hospitalized patients are quite alarming. Treatment of multidrug-resistant strains of Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, which cause widespread nosocomial infection, has become a global problem. Alternative treatment methods are needed for these species, which use all their resistance mechanisms day by day. Recently, it has been seen that iodine (lugol) solution has been used in the treatment of many infections. Significant results are observed, especially for nosocomial and wound infections. The literature on the antimicrobial effect of Lugol solution is very limited. In order to scientifically support such treatments, we aimed to investigate the antimicrobial effect of lugol on resistant bacteria in a laboratory environment. In our laboratory, we have previously isolated Acinetobacter baumannii, Shigella sonneii, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus strains with known antibiotic resistance. For these isolates, the agar dilution method prepared with different concentrations of lugol and the Broth Microdilution Method were used. As a result of our study, it was observed that drinkable Lugol solution affects multidrug-resistant microorganisms at very low concentrations. Thus, Lugol's success in infection treatments will be scientifically supported.Article Citation Count: 7The Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antiplatelet Effects of ribes Rubrum L. Fruit Extract in the Diabetic Rats(Wiley, 2022) Şener, Azize; Sen, Ali; Sekerler, Turgut; Algul, Fatma Kader; Cilingir-Kaya, Ozlem Tugce; Sener, Azize; Temel Eczacılık Bilimleri BölümüThe prothrombotic and inflammatory state plays a significant role in the occurrence of cardiovascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this study, the antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antiplatelet potentials of the extracts obtained from Ribes rubrum were investigated. The antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol and water extracts of R. rubrum were evaluated by in vitro methods. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents were also determined. The experimental diabetes model in rats was induced with streptozotocin (STZ). After hyperglycemia occurred, the ethanol extracts of R. rubrum (RRE, at 100 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg doses) were administered to the treatment groups for 14 days. Blood glucose, lipid profile, plasma, and pancreas tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) levels were determined and compared at the end of the experiments. P-selectin levels and mitochondrial membrane polarization (MMP) of platelets were also measured. In vitro study, the RRE showed potent anti-inflammatory activity. Administration of RRE (at 100 mg/kg doses) to diabetic rats lowered blood glucose level insignificantly. The results showed that there was an increment in levels of TNF-alpha in plasma and pancreas tissue of the diabetic group compared to the control group. R. rubrum extract regulated and normalized their levels in plasma and pancreatic tissue. RRE at both doses significantly decreased platelet P-selectin levels and prevented STZ-induced loss of MMP in platelets. The results of current research indicate that RRE extract has potent anti-platelet and anti-inflammatory effects and may be beneficial in preventing diabetic complications. Practical applications Hyperglycemia causes dyslipidemia, advanced oxidative stress, platelet activation, and inflammation in diabetes mellitus. Plants with various medicinal properties are of worldwide interest for the treatment of diseases due to their biological activities. In this study, the antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects of extracts of Ribes rubrum (%100 ethanol, 50% ethanol, water) were evaluated by in vitro and in vivo methods. The diabetes model was induced with streptozotocin (STZ). The rats were divided into control, diabetic control, R. rubrum-100 mg/kg, and R. rubrum-500 mg/kg doses groups. Blood glucose levels, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), platelet P-selectin levels, mitochondrial membrane polarization of platelets were examined. The present study has shown that R. rubrum has anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet activity. R. rubrum may be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of DM complications due to its anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects.Article Citation Count: 0Antioxidants, Enzyme Inhibitory Activities, and Phytochemical Profiles of Seven Medicinal Plants Grown With Organic Farming Techniques(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2023) Zor, Murat; Ozupek, Burcin; Pekacar, Sultan; Deliorman Orhan, Didem; Eczacılık Meslek Bilimleri BölümüIn this study, the potential antihyperlipidemic, antidiabetic, and antiobesity effects of extracts obtained via infusion techniques from Artemisia absinthium L., Achillea millefolium L., Calendula officinalis L., Fumaria officinalis L., Mentha piperita L., Origanum onites L., and Urtica dioica L. grown with organic farming techniques were investigated using enzyme inhibition methods (alpha-glucosidase, pan-creatic cholesterol esterase, pancreatic lipase, and alpha-amylase). It is important that natural compounds or extracts to be used in the treat-ment of metabolic problems have antioxidant effects. The antioxidant effects of these species were tested in terms of ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activity, ferric reducing power, and metal chelating capacity. Extracts (2 mg/mL) of M. piperita (91.43 +/- 0.90%) and O. onites (70.18 +/- 2.02%) showed potent inhibitory effects on the alpha-glucosidase enzyme. Among all species, only O. onites extract ex-erted an inhibitory effect on the cholesterol esterase enzyme close to that of reference compound simvastatin. While all extracts were effective in the tested antioxidant activity methods, it was determined that the M. piperita and O. onites extracts displayed particularly significantly strong activities in terms of ferric reducing power, ABTS radical scavenging effect, and metal chelating capacity. The total flavonoid and phenolic contents of all extracts were determined. The compositions of the most active extracts were analyzed for pheno-lic acids and flavonoids using RP-HPLC. The results of RP-HPLC analysis showed that the levels of ellagic acid (0.923 +/- 0.000 g/100 g extract) in the M. piperita extract and rosmarinic acid (0.813 +/- 0.003 g/100 g extract) in the O. onites extract were high. As a result, all species grown with organic farming techniques except U. dioica were found to have high antioxidant effects. In light of these findings, it was concluded that M. piperita and O. onites grown with organic farming techniques showed strong inhibitory effects in terms of the tested activities, especially for alpha-glucosidase and pancreatic cholesterol esterase, and that in vivo studies and activity-guided isolation studies should be conducted on these species in the future.Article Citation Count: 5Apocynin Ameliorates Testicular Toxicity in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats by Regulating Oxidative Stress(Marmara Univ, inst Health Sciences, 2023) Şener, Göksel; Koroglu, M. Kutay; Coskunlu, Busra; Ertas, Busra; Sener, Goksel; Ercan, Feriha; Eczacılık Meslek Bilimleri BölümüObjective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of apocynin (APC), an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase (NOX), on high-fat diet (HF)induced testis cytotoxicity.Methods: Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups as control, HF and HF+APC groups. Rats in HF and HF+APC groups were fed using HF for 16 weeks and in the last four weeks of this period vehicle solution or APC (25 mg/kg) was administered orally five days a week, respectively. Control group was fed with standart lab chow for 16 weeks. Cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoproteins, leptin, estrogen, testosterone, LH and FSH were estimated in blood serum. Sperm parameters were analysed from the epididymis. Testicular malondialdehyde, 8-hydroxy-2deoxyguanosine, glutathione, superoxide dismutase and myeloperoxidase levels were estimated biochemically. Testicular morphology, proliferative, apoptotic and NOX2-positive cells were analysed histologically.Results: HF-induced obesity caused significant alterations in serum lipid and hormone profiles. Testicular malondialdehyde, 8-hydroxy-2deoxyguanosine, and myeloperoxidase levels increased, glutathione and superoxide dismutase levels decreased in this group. Moreover, altered sperm parameters, increased degenerated seminiferous tubules, apoptotic and NOX2 - positive cells and decreased proliferative cells were observed in the HF group. All these biochemical and histological alterations improved in the HF+APC group.Conclusion: HF-induced obesity causes altreations in lipid values, sperm parameters and testicular morphology by increasing oxidative stress through NOX2 activity. Apocynin might prevent testis damage via regulating oxidant/antioxidant balance.Article Citation Count: 0Apocynin Exhibits an Ameliorative Effect on Endothelial Dysfunction/ Atherosclerosis-Related Factors in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Rats(Marmara Univ, Fac Medicine, 2024) Şener, Göksel; Ertas, Busra; Kaya, Rumeysa Keles; Sevinc, Sevgi Kocyigit; Amuran, Gokce Gullu; Ercan, Feriha; Cetinel, Sule; Eczacılık Meslek Bilimleri BölümüObjective: The aim of this study was to reveal the effect of apocynin (APO) on the factors involved in obesity-related endothelial dysfunction (ED) and atherosclerosis (AS). Materials and Methods: Male Wistar albino rats were divided into control (CNT), high-fat diet (HFD) and HFD+APO groups. HFD and HFD+APO groups were fed HFD for sixteen weeks. APO (25 mg/kg) was administered to the HFD+APO group for the last four weeks. The effects of APO on: AS-related metabolic parameters (triglyceride, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, insulin and leptin), oxidative stress (OS), [ malondialdehyde, glutathione, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)oxidase-2, oxidised-low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine], low-density lipoprotein and ox-LDL uptake potential (activin receptor-like kinase-1 and lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1, respectively), tissue inflammation inducible-nitric oxide synthase, nitric oxide), programmed cell death (terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase-dUTP-nick-end (alpha-smooth muscle actin), histology and ultrastructure of thoracic aorta were evaluated. Results: In obesity, APO had an ameliorative effect on metabolic parameters, OS, inflammation, ED, programmed cell death and oxLDL uptake potential, but not on foam cell formation and LDL uptake potential. Conclusion: Apocynin may improve ED and AS in obesity by suppressing OS-linked factors involved in the early stage of AS.Review Citation Count: 15Appraising Systematic Reviews: a Comprehensive Guide To Ensuring Validity and Reliability(Frontiers Media Sa, 2023) Shaheen, Nour; Shaheen, Ahmed; Ramadan, Alaa; Hefnawy, Mahmoud Tarek; Ramadan, Abdelraouf; Ibrahim, Ismail A.; Flouty, OliverSystematic reviews play a crucial role in evidence-based practices as they consolidate research findings to inform decision-making. However, it is essential to assess the quality of systematic reviews to prevent biased or inaccurate conclusions. This paper underscores the importance of adhering to recognized guidelines, such as the PRISMA statement and Cochrane Handbook. These recommendations advocate for systematic approaches and emphasize the documentation of critical components, including the search strategy and study selection. A thorough evaluation of methodologies, research quality, and overall evidence strength is essential during the appraisal process. Identifying potential sources of bias and review limitations, such as selective reporting or trial heterogeneity, is facilitated by tools like the Cochrane Risk of Bias and the AMSTAR 2 checklist. The assessment of included studies emphasizes formulating clear research questions and employing appropriate search strategies to construct robust reviews. Relevance and bias reduction are ensured through meticulous selection of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Accurate data synthesis, including appropriate data extraction and analysis, is necessary for drawing reliable conclusions. Meta-analysis, a statistical method for aggregating trial findings, improves the precision of treatment impact estimates. Systematic reviews should consider crucial factors such as addressing biases, disclosing conflicts of interest, and acknowledging review and methodological limitations. This paper aims to enhance the reliability of systematic reviews, ultimately improving decision-making in healthcare, public policy, and other domains. It provides academics, practitioners, and policymakers with a comprehensive understanding of the evaluation process, empowering them to make well-informed decisions based on robust data.Article Citation Count: 2Assessment of the Effectiveness of Patient Education and Interviews in Improving Medication Adherence of Renal Transplant Recipients(Springernature, 2022) Akıncı Akşit, Naile; Ozbas, Ayfer; Akinci, Serkan; Hemşirelik BölümüBackground Non-compliance with immunosuppressive drugs has been reported as the most significant cause of graft loss. Since non-compliance with immunosuppressive drugs is preventable, certain approaches based on the risk factors and causes of non-compliance can help eliminate this problem. Aims The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of patient education and interviews in improving medication adherence of renal-transplant recipients. Materials and methods This study was designed as a randomized controlled trial. Using the G*Power program, the sample size was calculated as 60 subjects, with 30 in both the intervention group and control group. Data collection tools included a patient information form, a pretest-posttest, a drug monitoring form for kidney transplant patients, the Immunosuppressive Therapy Adherence Scale, measurement of tacrolimus blood levels, and a training booklet. Results The mean knowledge score in the intervention group was 12.17 +/- 3.39 at baseline, and it increased to 20.73 +/- 1.57 after the intervention. The mean scores on the Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale were 11.67 +/- 0.55 and 10.70 +/- 0.99 in the intervention group and control group, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the pre- test and post-test means on the Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale in the intervention group. The mean Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale score was higher in the intervention group. In the measurement of tacrolimus blood levels, medication adherence was found the be higher in the intervention group. The difference between the groups was statistically significant. There was a positive correlation between the tacrolimus blood levels and the Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale scores in both groups. Conclusions To conclude, our results have demonstrated that patient education and interviews improve immunosuppressant medication adherence in renal transplant recipients. Using direct or indirect methods proved similar outcomes, suggesting that both evaluation methods are safe.Article Citation Count: 0Assessments of Energy, Macro and Micronutrient Intakes in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus(Marmara Univ, Fac Medicine, 2023) Özkaya, Şebnem Özgen; Ozkaya, Sebnem Ozgen; Beslenme ve Diyetetik BölümüObjective: This study aims at examining dietary intake in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) and comparing the results with national dietary intake recommendations. Patients and Methods: One hundred fifty children and adolescents (52.7% female) with an average age of 12.2 +/- 3.1 years and with type 1 DM who were followed by the Pediatric Endocrinology Polyclinic participated in the study. Three-day food intake records and clinical information regarding the type 1 DM condition of the participants were obtained. Results: No gender-related significant difference was found among the participants regarding food intake. The percentage of energy derived from fat (average 39.6%) and saturated fat (16.1%) were higher than the recommended levels in both gender groups. The percentage of energy derived from carbohydrates (female 44.1 +/- 5.7%, male 43.0 +/- 6.8%) was below the recommended levels. The dietary fiber intake in children aged 6-10 years with type 1 DM met recommendations, whereas, it was below the recommended levels in other age groups. Micronutrient inadequacy was common in children and adolescents with type 1 DM. Conclusions: The authors believe that guidelines and programs are needed for children and adolescents with type 1 DM to reduce total fat and saturated fat intake, increase carbohydrate and dietary fiber intake up to the recommended levels, and prevent multiple micronutrient inadequacies.Article Citation Count: 0Association Between Carbohydrate Quality Index and Dietary Patterns, Sleep Quality, Anxiety Level, and Depression Symptoms: a Cross-Sectional Study(Soc Chilena Nutricion, Bromatologia & Toxicologia, 2022) Yalçın, Bahar; Yilmaz-Onal, Hulya; Basturk, Berrak; Yalcin, Bahar; Beslenme ve Diyetetik BölümüAim: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between carbohydrate quality and sleep quality, depression, anxiety, stress and anthropometric measurements. Methods: The carbohydrate quality was calculated using the total fiber intake, ratio of whole grains to total grains, the ratio of solid carbohydrates to total carbohydrates, and the glycemic index. Sleep status was determined using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and nutritional status was determined by taking a 1-day food consumption record and food consumption frequency. Results: It was found that 20% of the participants with the highest carbohydrate quality had the highest sleep quality and the lowest body mass index. Conclusion: Adults should be informed that the quality of carbohydrates that they consume, was associated with better sleep quality and some micronutrients (potassium, magnesium, vitamin A-D-K-C-81-86, Folate) but no significant correlation was found between anxiety, depression, and stress scoresArticle Citation Count: 1The Association of Demographic, Psychological, Social and Activity Factors With Foot Health in People With Plantar Heel Pain(Wiley, 2024) Gulle, Halime; Morrissey, Dylan; Tayfur, Abdulhamit; Coskunsu, Dilber Karagozoglu; Miller, Stuart; Birn-Jeffery, Aleksandra V.; Prior, TrevorBackground: Plantar Heel Pain (PHP) can be a debilitating musculoskeletal condition from which only 50% recover within a year due to poor understanding of the mechanisms explaining severity and predicting outcomes specific to PHP. Objective: To explore associations between biopsychosocial variables and the severity of people with PHP. Secondly, to determine what combination of self-reported factors distinguishes people with PHP from other foot pain (OFP). Methods: We collected data from 235 participants, including 135 (%57) PHP (age 44 +/- 12 years, 66% female) and 99 OFP (%43) (age 38 +/- 11 years, 57% female) using 5 demographic, 13 biomedical, 8 psychological, 3 social and 8 activity-related factors. These were tested in linear and logistic regression models. Results: Quality of life (QoL) (beta = 0.35; p < 0.001), education (beta = -0.22; p = 0.003), gender (beta = -0.20; p = 0.007), morning pain duration (beta = -0.18; p = 0.01) and disease duration (beta = -0.15; p = 0.040) were significantly associated with severity of PHP. The second model, without QoL, showed that having sensitisation (beta = -0.18; p = 0.002) and a higher level of morning pain (beta = -0.20; p = 0.01) are associated with severity. The logistic regression results revealed that people with PHP tend to have a systemic disease (OR = 3.34; 1.53-7.76), express more kinesiophobia (OR = 1.02; 1.01-1.14), are less likely to have previous injuries (OR = 0.40; 0.19-0.81), worse morning pain (OR = 1.02; 1.01-1.03) and standing pain (OR = 2.60; 1.39-4.87) compared to people with OFP. Conclusions: People with PHP have higher associated levels of a range of psychological, social and activity related factors than people with OFP. The findings highlight the importance of considering psychosocial assessments alongside physical examination.Article Citation Count: 0Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de Sivil Toplumun Son On Yılı: Sivil Alanın Daralması Tartışmalarına Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış(2024) Köseoğlu, Nihan Akıncılar; Duygulu, ŞirinAdalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), Avrupa Birliği'ne (AB) üyelik hedefi doğrultusunda 2002 yılında ilk kez iktidara geldiğinde reform, demokratikleşme ve Avrupalılaşma sürecine odaklanmıştır. Türkiye'de sivil toplumun daha da gelişmesi, Kopenhag Siyasi Kriterlerinin yerine getirilmesinde çok önemli bir rol oynamaya başlamıştır. Bu reform süreci 2005 yılında yavaşlamış ve Türkiye 2011 yılında ‘Avrupalılaşmama’ olarak adlandırılan yeni bir döneme girmiştir. AKP’nin AB üyelik vizyonundan kademeli olarak uzaklaşması ve genel demokratik gerileme, sivil alanın daralmasının arkasındaki ana nedenler olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak sivil toplumun mevcut sorunlarını açıklamada yapısal ve bağlamsal yerel faktörlere odaklanan savlar, resmin bir bölümüne ışık tutmaktadır. Sivil toplumun AB içinde karşı karşıya kaldığı sorunların, özellikle de demokratik gerilemenin bir sonucu olarak sivil alanın dünya genelinde daralmasının da altı çizilmelidir. Böyle bir bakış açısı, yalnızca karşılaştırmalı analiz için bir temel sağlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda AB'nin Türkiye’deki sivil toplumun üzerindeki etkisini sınırlayan daha geniş dinamiklerinin daha iyi anlaşılmasına da yardımcı olur.Article Citation Count: 0Avrupa’da Dijital Etik, İnsan Hakları Bağlamında Yapay Zekâ ve Algoritmik Ayrımcılık(2024) Köseoğlu, Nihan Akıncılar; Çetin, BelginMakale, Yapay Zekâ (YZ) kaynaklı insan hakları ihlallerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. YZ kullanımının etik çerçeve içinde gerçekleşmediği durumlarda insan hakları ihlallerinin ortaya çıktığını/çıkacağını iddia eden bu makale, önce YZ etiği ve dijital etik kavramlarının üzerinde durmaktadır. Makalenin kapsamı gereği, YZ etiğini meydana getiren Avrupa’da YZ ve insan hakları konulu yasal düzenlemeler temel alınmakta; ayrıca hakime/avukata ve bireylere yardımcı olan YZ uygulamalarından kısaca bahsedilerek, Avrupa’daki robot hakim uygulamalarına odaklanılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla makalenin sınırlılığı kapsamında, dijital etik ve YZ etiğinden bahsedildikten sonra, insan hakları bağlamında yapay zekâ kullanımı, başta Avrupa Birliği (AB) olmak üzere, OECD ve Avrupa Konseyi’nin hazırladığı yasal düzenlemeler, yapay zekâdan kaynaklanan insan hakları ihlalleri, yapay zekâ uygulamalarının ayrımcılık yasağı üzerindeki etkileri ve yeni bir ayrımcılık türü olarak algoritmik ayrımcılık konularına değinilmektedir. Türkiye’deki akademik çalışmalara bakıldığında, algoritmik ayrımcılık konulu henüz yeterli çalışma bulunmadığından, makalenin sunacağı akademik katkı yenilikçi olacaktır. Bu konuda -özellikle son birkaç yılda azımsanmayacak sayıda- Türkçe yayınlanmış diğer çalışmalar incelendiğinde, sanal mahkemeler, hakime/avukata ya da bireylere yardımcı olan yapay zekâ ve robot hakim yapay zekâ uygulamalarının tüm dünya genelindeki örneklerinin ele alındığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın özgün değeri, YZ kaynaklı insan hakları ihlallerini önlemek için Avrupa’da YZ etiğinin oluşturulma sürecine odaklanmasındadır. Sonuç olarak, Avrupa’da YZ etik kurallarının oluşturulması, yaygınlaştırılması ve uygulanması süreci tamamlanmadıkça YZ kaynaklı insan hakları ihlallerinin devam edeceği kanısına varılmaktadır.