Technical Analysis of the Goals Scored by the Team Completing the Turkish League in the First Place of the 2021 - 2022 Season
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2021 – 2022 futbol sezonu Türkiye Süper Futbol Ligini ilk sırada tamamlayan Trabzonspor'un attığı gollerin teknik kriterlere göre analizini yaparak, şampiyon olan takımı belirleyen gollerin hangi hücum aksiyonlarıyla atıldığını ve gollerin vuruş şekli ile bölgesi, gol dakika aralığına ve golden önce topa temas sayılarına göre incelemesi yapmaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 2021 – 2022 futbol sezonu Türkiye Süper Futbol Ligi'ni ilk sırada bitiren Trabzonspor takımı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma, Trabzonspor'un oynamış olduğu 38 Lig maçında atılan 69 golden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin toplanmasında İnstatScout web sitesinden oynanan lig maçlarının görüntüleri kullanılmıştır. Değerlendirmeye alınan maçlarda, atılan goller futbol analiz programında (Sportscode) ayıklanmıştır. Araştırma verileri, bütün maçların önce kayıt altına alınıp izlenmesi, izlenen maçlardaki teknik konuların not alınarak düzenli bir şekilde organize edilmesi ve daha sonra bilgisayar ortamında Jamovi istatistiksel analiz programında verilerin değerlendirilmesi süreci ile toplanmıştır. Gol dakikaları, gol oluş şekilleri, gol vuruş şekilleri, gol vuruş bölgesi ve gol öncesi pas sayısı arasında fark olup olmadığını belirlemek için Ki–Kare testi yapılmıştır. Araştırmada değerlendirmeye alınan goller; gol dakika aralığı, gol oluş şekli, gol vuruş şekli, gol vuruş bölgesi, gol öncesi yapılan pas sayısı olmak üzere toplam beş parametreye ayrılmış ve ayıklanmıştır. Ayıklanan goller Microsoft Office Excel programına aktarılmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen veriler incelendiğinde, gol dakika aralığına baktığımızda çalışmamız literatürdeki diğer çalışmalara göre farklı olduğu, literatürde en fazla atılan gol dakika aralığı 76 – 90 olmasına rağmen bizim çalışmamızda 46 – 60 dakika aralığı olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Gol oluş şekline göre en fazla gol organize ataklarla, gol vuruş şekline göre ayak vuruşuyla, gol vuruş bölgesine göre ceza sahası içinden ve gol öncesi yapılan pas sayılarına baktığımızda ise 3 ve daha fazla pasla gol atıldığı ortaya konulmuştur.
The aim of this study is to analyze the goals scored by Trabzonspor, which completed the Turkish Super Football League in the first place in the 2021 – 2022 football season, according to technical criteria, with which offensive actions the goals were scored, which determine the champion team, and how the goals were shot and the region, the goal minute interval and the ball before the goal. It is to determine with analyzes by examining according to the number of contacts. The sample of the study consists of Trabzonspor team, which finished first in the Turkish Super Football League in the 2021 – 2022 football season. The study consists of 69 goals (2 goals to own goal) scored in 38 league matches played by Trabzonspor. Images of league matches played on the InstatScout website were used to collect the data. In the evaluated matches, the goals scored were extracted in the football analysis program (Sportscode). The research data were collected through the process of recording and watching all the matches first, organizing the technical issues in the watched matches regularly by taking notes, and then evaluating the data in the Jamovi statistical analysis program in the computer environment. Chi-square test was conducted to determine whether there is a difference between goal minutes, goal scoring patterns, goal stroke patterns, goal stroke area and number of passes before goal. The goals evaluated in the research; The goal is divided into five parameters in total: the minute interval, the way of scoring, the way of hitting the goal, the area of the goal hitting, the number of passes made before the goal. The extracted goals were transferred to the Microsoft Office Excel program. When the data obtained in the research are examined, when we look at the goal-minute interval, our study is different from other studies in the literature, and although the most scored goal-minute interval in the literature is 76 – 90, in our study it has emerged as a range of 46 – 60 minutes. When we look at the number of passes made from within the penalty area and before the goal, it has been determined that the goal is scored with 3 or more passes according to the way of scoring.
The aim of this study is to analyze the goals scored by Trabzonspor, which completed the Turkish Super Football League in the first place in the 2021 – 2022 football season, according to technical criteria, with which offensive actions the goals were scored, which determine the champion team, and how the goals were shot and the region, the goal minute interval and the ball before the goal. It is to determine with analyzes by examining according to the number of contacts. The sample of the study consists of Trabzonspor team, which finished first in the Turkish Super Football League in the 2021 – 2022 football season. The study consists of 69 goals (2 goals to own goal) scored in 38 league matches played by Trabzonspor. Images of league matches played on the InstatScout website were used to collect the data. In the evaluated matches, the goals scored were extracted in the football analysis program (Sportscode). The research data were collected through the process of recording and watching all the matches first, organizing the technical issues in the watched matches regularly by taking notes, and then evaluating the data in the Jamovi statistical analysis program in the computer environment. Chi-square test was conducted to determine whether there is a difference between goal minutes, goal scoring patterns, goal stroke patterns, goal stroke area and number of passes before goal. The goals evaluated in the research; The goal is divided into five parameters in total: the minute interval, the way of scoring, the way of hitting the goal, the area of the goal hitting, the number of passes made before the goal. The extracted goals were transferred to the Microsoft Office Excel program. When the data obtained in the research are examined, when we look at the goal-minute interval, our study is different from other studies in the literature, and although the most scored goal-minute interval in the literature is 76 – 90, in our study it has emerged as a range of 46 – 60 minutes. When we look at the number of passes made from within the penalty area and before the goal, it has been determined that the goal is scored with 3 or more passes according to the way of scoring.
Spor, Sports
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