Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar

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Kilbas, Elmas Pinar Kahraman
Kahraman Kilbas, Elmas Pinar
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Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
  • Review
    Citation Count: 0
    Molecular Characterization of Resistance and Virulence Genes in Enterococcus Faecium Strains Isolated Between 2000-2021; Systematic Review
    (Bilimsel Tip Yayinevi, 2022) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Kilbas, Imdat; Ciftci, Ihsan Hakki; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    Introduction: The spread of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE) is a major threat in healthcare institutions, especially for patients in the risk group. The aim of this study is to reveal the antibiotic resistance genes, virulence genes and other accompanying factors detected in vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from various clinical specimens in different parts of Turkiye. Material and Methods: For this purpose, a systematic search was carried out using different electronic databases between January 2000 and September 2021. A total of 17 studies were evaluated within the scope of systematic review. Results: The vanA gene was detected the most between the years 2000-2007, and no statistically significant difference was found according to the years. The prevalence of the vanB gene was highest between 2008 and 2013, and no statistical difference was found according to the years (p> 0.05). The vanA gene was mostly detected in Eastern Anatolia, Black Sea, Mediterranean and Aegean, vanB Central Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia regions. No reports related to the vanC gene were found. Since all strains were E. faecium in our study, it is an expected finding that the vanC gene region was never reported. The esp and hyl gene between 2014-2021. Conclusion: The prevalence of resistance and virulence genes among bacteria is a matter of great concern, limiting treatment options. In particular, effective measures should be taken to prevent healthcare-associated VRE infections, and each institution should report its own resistance data.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Investigation of the Synergic Effect of the Colistin/Sulbactam Combination in Carbapenem-Resistant acinetobacter Baumannii Complex Strains With Time-Kill and Checkerboard Methods
    (Bilimsel Tip Yayinevi, 2021) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Hatipoglu, Huseyin; Kilic, Umit; Kahraman Kilbas, Elmas Pinar; Koroglu, Mehmet; Altindis, Mustafa; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    Introduction: Infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter strains have become very common in recent years, and the most frequently used medicinal treatment is colistin. Combination treatments should also be applied to prevent development of resistance to colistin. This study examines the in vitro synergic effect of the colistin/sulbactam combination in carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter strains with the time-kill and checkerboard methods. Materials and Methods: Twenty carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex strains, which were isolated from various clinical samples, were included in this study. Strains were identified with mass spectrometry, and antibiotic sensitivity results were determined with the VITEK 2 (R) system. The in vitro effect and synergic activity of the colistin, sulbactam, and colistin/sulbactam combination on the carbapenem-resistant strains were determined using the time-kill and checkerboard methods. Seventeen strains were examined with the time-kill method, and twenty strains were examined using the checkerboard method. The fractional inhibitory concentration index of strains was calculated for detection of synergic effect. Results: Using the time-kill method applied on the colistin/sulbactam combination showed that the combination had a synergic effect on all 17 strains, while sulbactam alone did not have a bactericidal effect in the studied concentrations. When applying the checkerboard method, it was determined that the colistin/sulbactam combination had a synergic effect on 17 of the strains (85%) and an additive effect on 3 strains (15%), sulbactam had a low effect alone (15%), and colistin was effective on all strains. Conclusion: Study results indicated that the colistin/sulbactam combination had a high level of synergic effect on all studied strains using both methods.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 0
    Age-Specific Seroprevalence of Hepatitis a Virus in Turkey Between 2000 and 2023: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    (Mdpi, 2024) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Koroglu, Mehmet; Demiray, Tayfur; Terzi, Huseyin Agah; Kilbas, Elmas Pinar Kahraman; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    Background: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a leading cause of acute viral hepatitis and is primarily transmitted by the fecal-oral route. The clinical presentation and progression of the disease varies according to the age of the patient. Turkey is classified as a moderately endemic country, and HAV infection continues to be an important public health problem worldwide. Methods: In this study, a systematic meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate age-specific HAV seroprevalence rates in Turkey between 2000 and 2023. A comprehensive literature review identified 57 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The studies were assessed for quality, and seroprevalence rates were evaluated across four different age groups. Statistical analyses were performed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software (CMAVersion 3.0) and SPSS (SPSS Statistics 25.0). Results: HAV seroprevalence rates were found to be 73.18% in the 0 < 5 age group and 90.90% in the >35 age group. The overall seroprevalence estimated using a random effects model was 64.5% (95% CI: 58.3-70). High heterogeneity was observed among the studies, and the prevalence estimates changed when low-quality studies were excluded. Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests that the increasing trend in HAV IgG seroprevalence in Turkey, especially among young populations, is likely due to the vaccination program initiated in 2012. Furthermore, the heterogeneity observed among regions highlights the importance of regional public health strategies. Future studies should focus on providing more detailed data to evaluate the long-term effects of vaccination and to explain regional differences in HAV seroprevalence.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 0
    The Use of Probiotics in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Various Diseases in Turkiye: a Systematic Review
    (Bilimsel Tip Yayinevi, 2023) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Altindis, Mustafa; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    The aim of this study is to analyze the available information on the use of probiotics containing different microorganisms, singly or in combination, in order to investigate the effect of probiotics on the treatment, prophylaxis and microbiota of various diseases. In addition to Pubmed, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, EMBASE, Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews, CINAHL, AMED, Turkish Medline electronic da- tabases, the gray literature was searched to cover the years 2004-2021. Randomized controlled studies (RCTs) included in the specified selection criteria were brought together. RCTs were evaluated using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Of the 32 RCTs included in total, only yeast (Saccharomyces spp.) was administered in fourteen, only Lactobacillus spp. in six, Bifidobacterium spp. only in four, and probiotic supplementation containing more than one bacterial strain in six. Only 10/32 of the included studies fully reported the probiotic strain, and 22/32 reported only at the species level. In all nine studies using probiotics for the treatment of diarrhea, probiotics were reported to shorten the duration of diarrhea and length of hospital stay. Four of the five studies reporting the use of probiotics in the treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis reported that probiotics were not effective in reducing the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis, but could improve nutritional tolerance. In two of the four RCTs investigating the use of probiotics in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infec- tion, it was stated that the side effects associated with eradication therapy decreased. In both studies conducted for prophylaxis, it was reported that probiotics prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea. This study shows that probiotics have positive results for the treatment indications and prophylaxis of various diseases. For the sustainability of these health benefits and the safe administration of probiotics, more research is needed that includes strain information and side effect reports.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 1
    Update on the First Year of Covid-19
    (Galenos Publ House, 2021) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; AltindIS, Mustafa; Yilancioglu, Kaan; TekIn, Ishak Ozel; Buran, Duran; Ozkan, Secil; Ilhan, Mustafa Necmi; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    The current outbreak of the Coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus-2, which originated in the Wuhan province of the People's Republic of China became a pandemic. Although the clinical findings of the infection vary in adults, the most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath. The diagnosis of the Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is made by clinical symptoms, laboratory tests, and radiological methods. Many drugs such as antivirals, antibiotics, and corticosteroids are used in the treatment of COVID-19. For the successful control of the pandemic, prevention strategies are the key. There is strong consensus that, in addition to wearing masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing, an effective COVID-19 vaccine is probably the most effective approach to sustainably control the pandemic. In this article, current information about the pathogenesis, epidemiology, risk groups, diagnosis, treatment, prevention strategies, and vaccination of the disease in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 0
    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Molecular Characteristics on Colistin Resistance of acinetobacter Baumannii
    (Mdpi, 2024) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Kilbas, Elmas Pinar Kahraman; Kilbas, Imdat; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    Background: This study aimed to determine the molecular epidemiology of colistin-resistant A. baumannii in the last ten years and the frequency of gene regions related to pathogenesis, to compare the methods used to detect genes, and to confirm colistin resistance. Methods: This meta-analysis study was conducted under Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Guidelines. In the meta-analysis, research articles published in English and Turkish in electronic databases between January 2012 and November 2023 were examined. International Business Machines (IBM) Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics for Macbook (Version 25.0. Armonk, NY, USA) was used for statistical analysis. The Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) (Version 3.0. Biostat, NJ, USA) program was used for heterogeneity assessment in the articles included in the meta-analysis. Results: After evaluating the studies according to the elimination criteria, 18 original articles were included. Among colistin-resistant strains, blaOXA-51 positivity was 243 (19.61%), blaOXA-23 was 113 (9.12%), blaOXA-58 was 7 (0.56%), blaOXA-143 was 15 (1.21%), and blaOXA-72 was seen in two (0.16%) strains. The positivity rates of pmrA, pmrB, and pmrC were found to be 22 (1.77%), 26 (2.09%), and 6 (0.48%). The mcr-1 rate was found to be 91 (7.34%), the mcr-2 rate was 78 (6.29%), and the mcr-3 rate was 82 (6.61%). Conclusions: The colistin resistance rate in our study was found to be high. However, only some research articles report and/or investigate more than one resistance gene together. Additionally, it may be challenging to explain colistin resistance solely by expressing resistance genes without discussing accompanying components such as efflux pumps, virulence factors, etc.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 3
    Molecular Epidemiology of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolates in Turkiye: Systematic Review
    (Kare Publ, 2023) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Kilbas, Imdat; Ciftci, Ihsan Hakki; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    The World Health Organization has designated carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) as a "critical" pathogen on the global priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This study aims to discuss the molecular epidemiology of CRAB isolates in Turkiye in the last 12 years and the prevalence of gene regions associated with resistance or pathogenesis using a systematic review method. Our study consists of a literature search, determination of eligibility and exclusion criteria, qualitative analysis of studies, data extraction, and statistical analysis. All studies were analyzed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Guidelines. The incidence rates of blaOXA-23, blaOXA-23-like, blaOXA-24/40, blaOXA-24/40-like, blaOXA-51, blaOXA-51-like, blaOXA-58, and blaOXA-58-like genes in CRAB strains were 76.4%, 68.6%, 1.2%, 3.4%, 97.0%, 98.6%, 8.4%, and 17.1%, respectively. It was determined that the prevalence of the blaOXA-23 and blaOXA-58 gene regions showed a statistically significant change over the years. Due to the high prevalence of A. baumannii strains carrying the blaOXA-23 variant, it is necessary to follow its geographical distribution and transposon and plasmid movements. Based on available data, molecular surveillance of CRAB strains should be standardized. In addition, sterilization and disinfection processes applied within the scope of an effective struggle against CRAB strains that can remain live on surfaces for a long time should be reviewed frequently.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 0
    Seroprevalence of coxiella Burnetii in Human and Animal Populations in Tiirkiye: Meta-Analysis
    (Kafkas Univ, veteriner Fakultesi dergisi, 2023) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Kahraman Kilbas, Elmas Pinar; Ciftci, Ihsan Hakki; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    This study aims to reveal Coxiella burnetii by examining the studies reporting Q fever seroprevalence in humans and animals in the last 25 years in Turkiye. In this study, based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), various databases were searched between January 1997 and October. 2022. A literature review was carried out using data analyses performed using the IBM SPSS Version 25.0 statistical package program and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) program. Overall prevalence of C. burnetii in humans was 22.78% (95% CI: 16.43%-29.12%), overall prevalence in animals was 13.49% (95% CI: 10.04-16.93%) was detected. The mean prevalence of C. burnetii in sheep was 19.1%+/- 10.88, 10.46 +/- 6.39% in cattle, 15.21 +/- 10.01% in studies including cattle and sheep together, 11.17 +/- 10.74 in cattle, sheep and goats, and 12.4%+/- 1.15% in sheep and goats. As a result of this study, it was determined that the prevalence of Q fever in humans in Turkiye is high in those dealing with animals, women who had a miscarriage, and infertile individuals. Although it is known that this disease is seen in Turkiye, there are not enough case reports in the literature. Detailed studies on Q fever in humans and animals need to be conducted. Further studies are needed to evaluate Q fever risk factors and prevalence data together within the scope of One Health approach.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 3
    Managing Viral Emerging Infectious Diseases Via Current and Future Molecular Diagnostics
    (Mdpi, 2023) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Kilbas, Elmas Pinar Kahraman; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    Emerging viral infectious diseases have been a constant threat to global public health in recent times. In managing these diseases, molecular diagnostics has played a critical role. Molecular diagnostics involves the use of various technologies to detect the genetic material of various pathogens, including viruses, in clinical samples. One of the most commonly used molecular diagnostics technologies for detecting viruses is polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR amplifies specific regions of the viral genetic material in a sample, making it easier to detect and identify viruses. PCR is particularly useful for detecting viruses that are present in low concentrations in clinical samples, such as blood or saliva. Another technology that is becoming increasingly popular for viral diagnostics is next-generation sequencing (NGS). NGS can sequence the entire genome of a virus present in a clinical sample, providing a wealth of information about the virus, including its genetic makeup, virulence factors, and potential to cause an outbreak. NGS can also help identify mutations and discover new pathogens that could affect the efficacy of antiviral drugs and vaccines. In addition to PCR and NGS, there are other molecular diagnostics technologies that are being developed to manage emerging viral infectious diseases. One of these is CRISPR-Cas, a genome editing technology that can be used to detect and cut specific regions of viral genetic material. CRISPR-Cas can be used to develop highly specific and sensitive viral diagnostic tests, as well as to develop new antiviral therapies. In conclusion, molecular diagnostics tools are critical for managing emerging viral infectious diseases. PCR and NGS are currently the most commonly used technologies for viral diagnostics, but new technologies such as CRISPR-Cas are emerging. These technologies can help identify viral outbreaks early, track the spread of viruses, and develop effective antiviral therapies and vaccines.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Evaluation of the Relationship Between Dentist Knowledge of the Covid-19 and the Using of the Rubber Dam in Endodontic Treatment
    (Amber Publication, 2021) Kahraman Kılbaş, Elmas Pınar; Kilbas, Elmas Pinar Kahraman; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    Purpose: The aim of this study is to assess the change of the using of rubber dam related to COVID-19 pandemic and knowledge of dentists about this virus. Material and Methods: A questionnaire developed by the researchers in our study was sent to dentists through various channels (university websites, social media) to fill out. A total of 389 participants participated in the study. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts and consists of 31 questions in total. In the first part, there are 8 questions about the demographic characteristics of the participants, 7 in the second part that evaluate the use of rubber dam by the dentists, and in the third part there are 16 questions that measure their knowledge level about COVID-19. Results: In our study, 27.5% of all participants and 56.4% of endodontists reported that the frequency of using rubber dam during endodontic procedures increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However; it was found that the knowledge levels of all participants and endodontists (when evaluated separately) did not differ according to their education on COVID-19 and the use of rubber dam. (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although the using of the rubber dam has increased with the COVID-19 pandemic, the using of the rubber dam during root canal treatment is still very low, in our study. Although no relationship was found between the knowledge level of COVID-19 and the using of the rubber dam, the factors affecting the using of the rubber dam should be investigated by other studies.