Akkaya Gül, Ayşenur

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Name Variants
Akkaya-Gul, Aysenur
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Öğretim Görevlisi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

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  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Effect of Pacifier and Pacifier With Dextrose in Reducing Pain During Orogastric Tube Insertion in Newborns: a Randomized Controlled Trial
    (Springernature, 2024) Akkaya Gül, Ayşenur; Ozyazicioglu, Nurcan; Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of pacifier use, with and without 25% dextrose, in reducing pain during orogastric tube insertion in newborns. STUDY DESIGN: In a randomized controlled trial involving 60 newborns at a public hospital from April to December 2019,participants were divided into three groups: pacifier (n=20), pacifier with 25% dextrose (n=20), and control (n=20). A pacifier, with and without dextrose, was used for the experimental groups, while the control group performed a routine procedure. Neonatal infant pain scale, crying duration, heart rate (HR), and oxygen saturation (SpO2) were evaluated. RESULTS: Results indicated that the control group experienced significantly higher pain levels, elevated HRs, decreased SpO2, and prolonged crying. Conversely, the pacifier with 25% dextrose group showed a notable reduction in crying duration. CONCLUSION: A pacifier, with and without 25% dextrose, effectively reduces pain and improves physiological and behavioral parameters during orogastric tube insertion.