Baban, Ece

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Scholarly Output Search Results

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  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Turk and Russian Relations From Distant Neighbourship To Close Neighbourship
    (Istanbul Univ Press, Istanbul Univ Rectorate, 2021) Baban, Ece; Baban, Ece; Yuce, Muge; Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklamcılık Bölümü
    The current diplomacy between Turks and Russians, who fought thirteen times between 1677-1918, and who had come on the brink of war many times besides these wars, is one of the most spoken subjects of today. When the history of the relationship between two countries is examined, it is observed that similarities to today's relationship between parties occurred occasionally. These convergences especially in the period after the Cold War, had increased in the period when diplomatic breakups between Turkey and the USA had come up. Historically, Turkey, in its national security calculations, had always followed-up a policy that is taking Russia to the center, and that is balancing the level of threat directed by Russia by the Western allies. Today, the convergence with Russia is being actualized as the result of a reverse functioning of a similar strategic calculation.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Nonviolent Communication in Lifelong Education
    (Hacettepe Univ, 2023) Baban, Ece; Doğan Erdinç, Ece; Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklamcılık Bölümü
    In today's world, the increase of othering and xenophobia with acts of violence, along with the changes that consume resources due to climate changes such as wars, irregular migration movements, famine and thirst, are an important necessity for understanding nonviolent communication and its application in the field of lifelong education. This requirement brought the problem of "adult education" to the agenda and accelerated the studies on the lifelong learning approach. In addition, key messages developed by UNESCO and the European Commission defined the characteristics that the lifelong learning approach should have. Within the scope of the study, the concept of nonviolent communication explained, and the "Make a Gesture Your Opponent" campaign, which includes nonviolent communication training for Turkey Football Federation first league teams, examined. Within the scope of the study, the "Make a Gesture to Your Opponent" campaign was determined as a case study. Accordingly, the official website of the campaign was examined. As a result of the analysis carried out in line with the key messages, the nonviolent communication approach that the "Make a Gesture Your Opponent" project wanted to instill in its participants shows how important education is in all areas of life.