Köseoğlu, Aygül

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Koseoglu, Aygul
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Öğretim Görevlisi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

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  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Validity and Reliability of a New Method To Measure Cervical Proprioception
    (Georg Thieme verlag Kg, 2022) Köseoğlu, Aygül; Karagözoğlu Coşkunsu, Dilber; Mutlu, Ebru Kaya; Eczane Hizmetleri Bölümü; Fizyoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü
    Objective An accurate and reliable measurement of proprioception is important in the evaluation of the cervical. The aim of this study is to investigate the validity and reliability of a new method using Horizontal Plane Target Platform (HPTP) to assess Head Repositioning Accuracy (HRA) for Cervical Proprioception (CP). Methods HRA values of 86 healthy volunteers (21.01 +/- 2.16 yrs.) were measured through AOS PropPoint laser apparatus device on HPTP, Frontal Plane Target Platform (FPTP), and also CROM device to assess test-retest reliability and validity. Results The test-retest measurements of HPTP reliability was (ICC (left) =0.69, ICC (right) =0.74; SEM (left) =0.28, SEM (right=) 0.36; MDC (left) =1.85, MDC (right) =2.02 95%CI) were moderate for both side. Correlation with the CROM device results was moderate for both side (r=0.75 for left size, r=0.83 for right side), and the absolute values demonstrate concordance between results using the Bland-Altman method. Conclusions HRA measurements performed with a laser apparatus on HPTP which we developed can be used as an alternative method in CP evaluation.