Taşcılar Uyanık, Laçin Naz
Name Variants
Tascilar, Lacin Naz
Tascilar Uyanik, Lacin Naz
Tascilar Uyanik, Lacin Naz
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Supervised Theses
2 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 1Functional Evaluation of Physical Performance, Gait, Balance and Activities of Daily Living in Older Individuals With Long Covid Syndrome(Wiley, 2024) Taşcılar Uyanık, Laçin Naz; Aydin, Gamze; Tascilar Uyanik, Lacin Naz; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüObjective: The aim of our study was to evaluate the physical performance, balance, gait and activities of daily living (ADL) of older individuals with long COVID syndrome (LCS). Methods: A total of 124 individuals (49% women) with a mean age of 71.8 +/- 5.8 years were included in the study. Participants were divided into two groups, older individuals with LCS in the LCS group and older individuals who were not diagnosed with COVID-19 in the CON (control) group. Physical performance of participants was evaluated with the Alusti Test, balance and gait assessment was evaluated with the Tinetti Balance and Gait Assessment (TBGA), and ADL were evaluated with the Barthel Index (BI). Results: In the evaluations between groups, the mean score of active muscular mobility of right and left upper extremities, transfer supine position to sitting, trunk in sitting position and standing, which are among the subparameters of the Alusti Test, were statistically significantly lower in LCS compared to CON (p < .05). TBGA total score and gait section mean score of TBGA were statistically significantly lower in LCS than in CON (p < .05). There was no significant difference between the groups in the balance section of the TBGA and the mean BI scores (p > .05). Conclusions: It was concluded that physical performance parameters related to active muscular mobility of the upper extremity, transfer supine position to sitting, trunk in sitting position and walking in LCS were negatively affected by the disease, but this did not affect the level of balance and independence in ADL.Article Citation Count: 2Is Plantar Foot Sensation Affected in Patients With Gonarthrosis(Turkish Assoc Orthopaedics Traumatology, 2021) Taşcılar Uyanık, Laçin Naz; Utlu, Defne Kaya; Sayaca, Cetin; Polat, Gokhan; Kuyucu, Ersin; Erdil, Mehmet Emin; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüObjective: The aim of this study was to compare pain, plantar foot sensation, postural control, fear of movement, and functional level between women patients with early-stage gonarthrosis and those with late-stage gonarthrosis. Methods: A total of 62 women with gonarthrosis were included in the study. Patients were then divided into two groups: early-stage gonarthrosis group (31 women) and late-stage gonarthrosis group (31 women) according to Kellgren Lawrence criteria. Light touch-pressure sensation (Semmes Weinstein Monofilaments), two-point discrimination sensation (esthesiometer), and vibration sensation (128 Hz diapason) were used to evaluate plantar foot sensation. Pain intensity was assessed by the numeric rating scale, postural control by Berg balance scale, fear of movement by the Tampa kinesiophobia scale, functional mobility by the Timed Up and Go test and knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score. Results: Early-stage patients were found to have higher light-touch pressure sensation on 1st metatarsal head of dominant side, 5th metatarsal head of non-dominant side, heel of non-dominant side than late stage patients. Early-stage patients had a higher sensation of vibration than late stage patients. The patients in the early stage were found to have higher two-point discrimination sensation on middle of dominant side, heel of dominant side, trans-metatarsal of non-dominant side, middle of non-dominant side, heel of non-dominant side than late stage. Postural control of early-stage patients were found to be higher than late-stage patients. Early-stage patients had lower kinesophobia and higher functional levels than late-stage patients. Conclusion: The light touch sensation, vibration sensation, and two-point discrimination deteriorated by the progression of the disease should be important criteria in patients with gonarthrosis.