Tekin, Demet
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Tekin, D.
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Article Citation - WoS: 2Citation - Scopus: 3Comparison of Motorcyclists’ Hand Grip Strength and Reaction Time(Didactic Asociation Andalucia, 2022) Tekin, D.; Tekin, Demet; Agopyan, A.; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüThe purpose of this study was to compare hand grip strength and reaction times in male motorcycle racers grouped according to different ages and the classes of motorcycle used and determine the relation between these characteristics. Sixty-five healthy male motorcycle racers were divided into four groups according to their age and the power of the motorcycles’ engine: (Group-1 [G1] = 600-CC/23-34 years; Group-2 [G2] = 600-CC/35-48 years; Group-3 [G3] = 1000-CC/23-34 years; Group-4 [G4] = 1000-CC/35-48 years). Then, Nelson’s reaction time and maximal hand grip strength were measured for both hands. There were no significant differences between the groups’ grip strength (p>0.05). It was found that G1’s right-and left-hand reaction time was faster than that of G2, and G1’s left-hand reaction time was faster than that of G3 (p<0.05). The right-hand visual reaction time was found to have a negative weak correlation with the left-hand absolute grip strength (r=-0.247, p=0.047), and there was a weak positive correlation between the left-hand visual reaction time and height (r=0.315, p=0.011). G1’s right-hand visual reaction time was better than that of G2 (p< 0.001), and G1’s visual left-hand reaction time was better than those of G2 (p< 0.034) and G3 (p< 0.011). Although the absolute and relative hand grip strength values did not differ according to the ages and the engine power of the motorcycle used, it was found that the simple reaction time increased with increasing age. © 2022 Didactic Asociation Andalucia. All rights reserved.Article Citation - Scopus: 0Effect of Body Size on Pulmonary Function in Male and Female Dancers(Editura Universitatii din Pitesti, 2020) Tekin, Demet; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüIntroduction: Pulmonary function influence the performance of dancers during their trainings and also their performance stage. Therefore, it is important to investigate the factors that effects the pulmonary function. The effect of body size on resting pulmonary function in modern dancers is unknown but may be related to sex differences. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of body size on resting pulmonary function in male and female modern dancers with the same training levels. Materials and Methods: Thirtyeight (n=18 male; n=20 female) undergraduate modern dancers participated voluntarily and their exercise levels (minimum of 5 days/week, 3 hours/day) and training histories (at least 4 years) were similar. All dancers completed pulmonary function test with a computerized spirometer (MIR, Spirobank, Rome, Italy) according to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) guidelines. Results: There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the genders in terms of vital capacity-best (VC-best) and maximum voluntary ventilation-best (MVV-best). The values were significantly higher in the male than in female dancers, and body size had a significant effect, with a small effect size (< 0.2) on the VC-best (F(1,25)= 4.902, p = 0.036) and MVV-best (F(1,25) = 7.864, p = 0.010) values. Conclusion: Although the effect size was small, the effects of body weight, height, and body mass index on the VC-best and MVV-best values were influenced by the fact that male dancers have higher resting respiratory function performance. In a practical contribution, the current results suggest that it is necessary to consider the gender factors when planning and organizing dance training with different models. © JPES.Article Citation - WoS: 0The Relation of The Duration of Work in Dentists With Postural Problems, Range of Motion and Pain(Bezmialem Vakif Univ, 2020) Tekin, Demet; Koksal, Mesut; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüObjective: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between cervical and lumbar range of motions, pain and postural problems with the time spent in the occupation in dentists. Methods: A total of 56 dentists (27 males, 29 females), participated in this research as a volunteer (age=29.55 +/- 9.5 years). Firstly, the participants were divided into 3 groups according to the working years in their life and the time spent at unit during the day; they were also divided into 2 groups according to the intermittent or uninterrupted working conditions during the day. Cervical and lumbar joint range of motions were measured to determine limitations. The McGill pain scale survey was used to evaluate the pain. Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests with a posthoc Bonferroni test were used for all statistical analyses. Results: It was seen that the cervical and lumbar joint range of motions decreased, and the postural deformities in the spine and knee were observed and the level of pain increased significantly in comparatively to the excess of the time spent in the profession. However, in the analysis according to the time spent at the unit during the day, only the decrease in the range of motion of the regions was determined with the increase of the time spent at the unit during the day. Conclusion: With the increase in the working years in the dentists, it was revealed that the limitation of the range of motion increased and posture disorders and pain were formed. It is thought that all these problems will be caused by working in non-ergonomic environments for a long time. In this respect, it is important to include experts in the field of physiotherapy in the courses given under the name of preventive medicine. As a result, it can be said that the health problems encountered with the increase in time spent in the profession have increased.Article Citation - WoS: 0Citation - Scopus: 0Medical Ethics Assessment Scale for Sports: a New Tool(North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2020) Tekin, D.; Tekin, Demet; Agopyan, A.; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüThe purpose of this study was to develop the Medical Ethics Assessment Scale for Sports (MEASS) and to asses the vison of amateur level competitor athletes, using this scale, about level of compliance with professional ethical principles of their health professionals and the sports medicine organisations with which they come in contact. The study was conducted on 400 participants (nfemale =145; nmale =255) aged 16-35 from different sports. MEASS was constructed with 13 items and three factors: ‘Not harming the patient’s body’, ‘Informing the patient’, and ‘Maintaining patient’s privacy and right to choose care’. The validity value was found to be 0.795. The exploratory factor analysis showed all three factors had eigenvalues greater than 1.0 (55.7% variance). Cronbach‘s Alpha reliability (α) correlation coefficient was 0.725. These results showed that the scale is suitable for factor analysis and reliable. The MEASS can be used as a new measurement tool to evaluate the ethics of health professionals and organisations. The results also demonstrated that athletes feel well-informed and unharmed by their physicians, but would prefer more control over their care choices and how their personal information is used. © 2020, North-West University, Potchefstroom. All rights reserved.Article Citation - WoS: 2Citation - Scopus: 1Isokinetic Knee Muscular Strength Is Associated With Hematologic Variables in Female Modern Dancers(Spanish Assoc Sports Performance Analysis-aearedo, 2018) Tekin, Demet; Tekin, Demet; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüIt is important to expose the risk factor in injury in the context of the health and the careers of dancers. Female are at greater risk of developing anemia than men, yet scarce data exist on anemia associated outcomes in female dancers. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between bilateral isokinetic knee extensor and flexor muscles strength, and biochemical hematologic parameters in female modern dancers. Concentric isokinetic peak torque [(PT)-N.m], peak torque % body weight [(PT% BW)-N.m.kg(-1)], average peak torque [(AVGPT)-N.m] and total work [(TW)-J)] of the knee extensor and flexor muscles were measured at a velocity of 60 degrees, 180 degrees and 300 degrees s(-1). To determine hematological parameters [red blood cell count (RBC), hematocrit (Hct), and Hb] were determined. The dancers of LHG and HHG had significant differences (p <= 0.05) for hematological parameters. HHG dancers' strength production in extensors muscles of PT, TW and AVGPT in non-dominant left leg (p <= 0.05) were significantly higher than LHG dancers. There were significant (p <= 0.05) negative correlations between TW (300 degrees s(-1)) of left leg extensor muscles and RBC, Hct and Hb variables. Isokinetic knee muscular strength is associated with hematologic variables in female modern dancers. The current study provides evidence that the low-level hematologic parameters has decreased performance on torque production of extensors knee muscles in non-dominant leg during isokinetic muscle strength endurance in female modern dancers.Article Citation - WoS: 15Citation - Scopus: 20Balance Training in Modern Dancers Proprioceptive-Neuromuscular Training Vs Kinesio Taping(Science & Medicine inc, 2018) Tekin, Demet; Agopyan, Ani; Baltaci, Gul; Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon BölümüKinesio tape and proprioceptive exercises are both used for increasing balance in dancers. The purposes of this study were to: a) determine the acute effect of kinesio tape (KT) application on the ankle joint on balance performance, b) investigate the effects of an 8-week proprioceptive-neuromuscular (PN) training program on balance performance, and c) compare their effects vs modern dance technique classes alone. Thirty-three trained, university-level modern dance students (9 male, 24 female) were divided randomly into three groups: kinesio tape (KT, n=11), proprioceptive-neuromuscular (PN, n=11), or control (n=11). Static (turn-out passe-opened eyes/releve and turn-out passe-closed eyes/flat foot), semi-dynamic (airplane), and dynamic balance (monopodalic-straight and -transverse in a turn-out passe-eyes opened/flat foot) tests were performed before and after the intervention. One day after pre-tests, KT mechanical correction technique was applied to the left ankle joint (supporting leg) in the KT group, and tests were repeated to determine the acute effect of KT. The PN group participated in an 8-week balance training program (2 days/wk, 60 min/day) involving exercises using stable and unstable surfaces. Significant improvements were observed for all static and dynamic balance tests in the PN group; semi-dynamic airplane and dynamic monopodalic-straight and transverse tests improved in the KT group; and only semi-dynamic airplane test scores changed significantly for the control group (p<0.05). Our findings suggest that with the exception of the semi-dynamic airplane test, both PN training and KT application were more effective at improving balance performance for modern dancers than modern dance technique classes alone.