Bakır, Yasemin

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Bakir, Yasemin
Job Title
Doktor Öğretim
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

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  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Functional and Matrix Approximation of Numerical Solution of Haar Wavelet
    (Publ House Bulgarian Acad Sci, 2024) Bakır, Yasemin; Bakir, Yasemin; Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Bölümü
    In this article, a uniform Haar wavelet approach is devised to numerically solve the differential equations. The uniform Haar wavelet coefficients are generated by employing collocation points. The generalized approach for function and matrix approximation using Haar wavelets is proposed. This study aims to decide which method is more useful by reflecting on the differences between the two methods. Also, the application of Haar wavelets to the solution of a first and second-order ODE is described in this research. To assess its applicability and efficiency, two test problems are used. The findings obtained are compared to those obtained using the function and matrix approximation methods. For numerically solving first and second-order ODEs, the Haar wavelet methodology gives a more reliable and exact method. By estimating error norms for various problems, the performance and accuracy of the method have been shown.