Birgün, Semra
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Birgun, Semra
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Supervised Theses
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Conference Object Citation Count: 0Toc-Thinking Process Approach for Problem Solving in Trademark Registration Process(Future Acad, 2019) Birgün, Semra; Erol, Serpil; Alpar, A. Arzu Ceylan; Endüstri Mühendisliği BölümüIndustry 4.0 has caused many changes in commerce as well as in industry. Institutions should therefore revise their strategies and make strategic decisions that will adapt to today's digital world. In the current physical or digital business competition environment, firms want to make their products more attractive by branding and delivering them to large masses. A brand is a feature that separates the product or company from the others and is an advantage both the produces and the consumer. Firms have a wider market share by ensuring the transportation and awareness of its products, and while ensuring its sustainability, consumers can gain prestige, protect their rights, and so on. The trademark must be registered in order to be valid. However, when the application was made in Turkey rejection rate of the brand has increased steadily. This situation causes great waste for the applicant and the applicant institution. In this paper, a study has been conducted with the aim of revealing how problems should be resolved by investigating the causes of rejection of applications and thus increasing the acceptance rate. In this study, Thinking Processes application was made within the framework of the Theory of Constraints approach, which aims to achieve continuous improvement by removing constraints. Thus, it is foreseen that there will be a guide on the possible mistakes of the firm managers who will make a trademark application and how these problems can be resolved. (C) 2019 Published by Future Academy .UKArticle Citation Count: 4A Systematic Approach for Improving the Software Management Process(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2019) Birgün, Semra; Cerkezoglu, Burcu Tanrikut; Endüstri Mühendisliği BölümüInformation technology is an indispensable element in applications in today's industrial era. In addition to modern management approaches, software just as well as hardware is of great importance to ensure competitive advantage if the company needs to keep pace with industrial requirements. Information sector can be seen as a competition opportunity for emerging countries. To be able to exploit this opportunity, companies need to be agile and innovative. In this paper, we suggest a process innovation which is intended to be a new model for designing an efficient and effective software process. The model was applied at a software company, and the results of this study are reported here. Lean and agile approaches were used, and as a result, the firm achieved significant improvements in cost, time, labor force, quality, internal and external customer satisfaction, speed, reliability and productivity.Conference Object Citation Count: 1Solving the Sales Problem of a Poultry Meat Company With Thinking Process(Future Acad, 2019) Birgün, Semra; Aydin, Selman; Birgun, Semra; Endüstri Mühendisliği BölümüThe use of new technology in order to achieve real improvement and to increase productivity in a business can be effective in the long term only through the correct analysis of the current status of the business. After the current status is detected, the improvement studies should be continued towards the existing constraints and the studies for eliminating new constraints that will occur at certain time intervals should be repeated. Unless improvement can be sustained, long-term solutions cannot be in question. In family foundations or charitable foundations; factors such as close relationships, special connection, and lack of education come to the forefront, and bulky organizations prevent innovative developments. There is a need for approaches that see the business as a whole and predict the future by uncovering the real situation. One of them is Theory of Constraints. In this paper, a case study is presented in which the problems arising from production and planning, sales and management mistakes in a food business, which is a charitable foundation, were elevated with the application of Theory of Constraints. In the study, the steps such as Current Reality Tree, the Evaporating Cloud and the Future Reality Tree from the Thinking Process were realized. As a result of putting the recommendations into practice, significant improvements were made in the business under examination. (C) 2019 Published by Future Academy .UK