Aktar Reyhanioğlu, Duygu

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Reyhanioglu, Duygu Aktar
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Doktor Öğretim
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Supervised Theses


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  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Effects of Computer-Based Balance Exercises on Balance, Pain, Clinical Presentation and Nerve Function in Patients With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: a Randomized Controlled Study
    (Jmni, 2023) Aktar Reyhanioğlu, Duygu; Yildirim, Gaye; Sengun, Ihsan Sukru; Kara, Bilge; Fizyoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü
    Objective:To evaluate the use of a computer-based biodex balance exercise system (BBS) on balance, neuropathic pain, clinical presentation and nerve function in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Methods: A total of 32 participants with DPN were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to an intervention group (IG) or control group (CG). The IG performed exercises using the BBS twice weekly for 8 weeks, while CG were informed regarding diabetes self-management. At baseline and after study completion, participants underwent balance (postural stability and fall risk) and neuropathic pain assessment (DN4 questionnaire) and were screened using the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument and nerve conduction test. Results: Among the baseline participants, 14 in the IG and 13 in the CG completed the study. Balance training improved postural stability (overall, p<0.001), fall risk (p<0.001), neuropathic pain (p=0.01) and symptoms (p<0.001), and clinical presentation (p=0.02), but not nerve function, within the IG. At follow-up, IG displayed significantly improved stability (p<0.001) and fall risk (p=0.02) and decreased neuropathic symptoms (p=0.01) compared to the CG. Conclusion: Computer-based balance exercises improve balance, pain, and clinical presentation of DPN, but not nerve function, in patients with DPN.