Aydöner, Selen

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Aydoner, Selen
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Öğretim Görevlisi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Examining the Sensory Processing Skills and Occupational Performance of People With Multiple Sclerosis
    (Taylor & Francis inc, 2024) Aydöner, Selen; Bumin, Gonca; Ergoterapi Bölümü
    This study aimed to compare sensory processing skills and occupational performance between participants with multiple sclerosis and healthy controls. Eighty participants were enrolled in this study, 40 with multiple sclerosis and 40 with healthy controls. Participants were between 18 and 65 years of age and asked to complete the Adult Sensory Profile, and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. The findings of the study revealed that participants with multiple sclerosis had a lower ability to register sensory input, a higher sensory sensitivity, and avoidance, as well as lower levels of performance and satisfaction in their daily occupations, compared to the healthy controls (p < 0.05). People with multiple sclerosis often experience difficulties with sensory processing and occupational performance in daily life. More research and practice are needed on the role of sensory processing and occupational performance in daily life in people with multiple sclerosis.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Telerehabilitation: an Updated View of Practices, Cost Analysis, and Client Perceptions
    (Nova Southeastern Univ, 2023) Aydöner, Selen; Aydoner, Selen; Ergoterapi Bölümü
    Telerehabilitation is an alternative and complementary rehabilitation method in which information and communication technologies are used to remove the distance between healthcare professionals and clients. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rapid adoption of telerehabilitation services, limiting the in-person rehabilitation services available all over the world. The restrictions that started with the COVID-19 pandemic also negatively affected rehabilitation services, clients, and healthcare professionals, so at the time, it was considered essential to provide services using telerehabilitation technology. Therefore, this review aimed to examine and inform health professionals' telerehabilitation practices such as remote assessment, evaluation, intervention, monitoring, supervision, education, and follow-up during the pandemic, in addition to present the practice areas, advantages, disadvantages, perceptions, and cost analysis results of telerehabilitation practices to healthcare professionals, considering the standards the American Telemedicine Association set.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    The Factors Associated With School Readiness: Sensory Processing, Motor, and Visual Perceptual Skills, and Executive Functions in Kindergarten Children
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023) Aydöner, Selen; Bumin, Gonca; Ergoterapi Bölümü
    Many developmental skills are related to children's school readiness in the early years, and these skills are essential for later achievement. Some of these skills include sensory processing, motor and visual perceptual skills, and executive functions. To date, limited research has examined these skills associated with school readiness. This study investigated the relationship between sensory processing, motor and visual perceptual skills, and executive functions, and school readiness in kindergarten children. A total of 138 kindergarten children administered the Sensory Profile, the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test 2- Brief Form, the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-3, the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory, and the Primary School Readiness Scale. The results showed that sensory processing, motor and visual perceptual skills, and executive functions were correlated with children's school readiness, and these skills were also highly predictive of children's school readiness (p < 0.05). It is necessary for future studies to consider these skills when assessing school readiness and to include strategies to develop these skills in intervention programs.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Correlations Between the Screen Time of Children With Special Needs and Their Parent-Child Relationships, Home Participation, and Occupational Performance
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024) Aydöner, Selen; Aydoner, Selen; Gundogmus, Ezginur; Gunal, Rumeysa; Ozan, Aysenur Demir; Ergoterapi Bölümü
    This study aimed to examine the relationships between the screen time of children with special needs and of their parents with their home participation, occupational performance, and parent-child relationships according to sex and diagnosis. Parents of 150 children with special needs (age range, 4 to 6 years) such as autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as undiagnosed and developmentally risky children, were included. The Demographic Information Form, Screen Time Usage Form, Parent-Child Relationship Scale, Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth, and Short Child Occupational Profile were used for the data collection. There was a significant relationship between the screen time of girls and their parent-child relationships, home participation, and occupational performance. Moreover, we detected a relationship between the screen time of children with autism spectrum disorder and positive parent-child relationships, home participation, and occupational performance. Therapists should account for screen time in their interventions associated with parent-child relationships, home participation, and occupational performance.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Does Working Style Affect the Occupational Balance and Life Satisfaction of Office Workers in Turkey? a Comparison Study
    (Ios Press, 2024) Aydöner, Selen; Aydoner, Selen; Altuntas, Onur; Bumin, Gonca; Ergoterapi Bölümü
    BACKGROUND: The coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) has caused various effects, changing people's lives and work styles. During this period, workplaces decided to work remotely, so people spent more time at home. Therefore, workers' personal and work lives were negatively affected. OBJECTIVE: This study planned to compare traditional and remote office workers' occupational balance and life satisfaction in Turkey during COVID-19. METHODS: Google Survey was used for data collection. Three hundred office workers (18-65 years old) from Turkey participated in the study. The occupational balance and life satisfaction levels of participants were assessed using the Occupational Balance Questionnaire (QB-Quest) and Personal Well-being Index-Adult (PWI-A). RESULTS: Data collected were analyzed statistically by the Independent Sample t-test. It was found that the remote office workers had lower levels of occupational balance (p = 0.02; r = -3.317) and life satisfaction (p = 0.01; r = -2.199) compared to the traditional office workers. CONCLUSION: Remote office workers were found to have lower occupational balance and life satisfaction than traditional office workers. In this period, when the way of working changes like COVID-19, it is crucial to determine office workers' occupational balance and life satisfaction and take precautions for their job performance and satisfaction.