Yıldırım Coruk, İpek
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Coruk, Ipek Yildirim
Yildirim Coruk, Ipek
Yildirim Coruk, Ipek
Job Title
Doktor Öğretim
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Citation Count
Supervised Theses
2 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 0Design Process and Digital Storytelling on the Axis of Similarities and Differences(Anadolu Univ, 2023) Yıldırım Coruk, İpek; İç Mimarlık Ve Çevre Tasarımı BölümüThe design process, which expresses the act of designing in line with a thought and the steps that make up the product resulting from this action, constitutes the essence of design education studio environments. The methods and thought approaches that can be followed in this process are always among the issues questioned. With the study, this issue is approached through digital stories. The fact that digital storytelling, which is a lot of research in terms of its contributions in education-related fields, hasn't yet taken place sufficiently in the field of design education constitutes the starting point of the study. So, the study created with qualitative research method aims to raise awareness of the space design education literature on digital storytelling. In order to gain this awareness, the similarities and differences of the digital storytelling and design process has analyzed. The study determined that the design process and digital storytelling intersect with aspects of making implicit information visible, occurring in line with a problem or starting point, and including similar process stages. However, differences exist between these two concepts. This result provides a theoretical framework for those who want to benefit from digital storytelling.Article Citation Count: 0Reading Basic Design Principles Through Modern Architectural Structures(Nilay Ozsavas Ulucay, 2023) Yıldırım Coruk, İpek; İç Mimarlık Ve Çevre Tasarımı BölümüBasic design principles are taught within the scope of basic design education in the first- year studios. ABasic design education and its content have different dimensions from the education system the student previously received due to its structure and difficulty comprehending because it contains new literature for the student and often has abstract educational content. On the other hand, the students have difficulty perceiving the information acquired in this course and question how they can benefit from it in the following years and professional life. ATherefore, the aim of the study is to analyze the basic design principles through modern architectural structures. In the study created by qualitative research method, the data were obtained by analyzing the principles mentioned in the determined examples. These examples were selected among the Bauhaus and later modern buildings by considering the role of the Bauhaus school, where the basic design principles emerged in the spread of modern architecture, and the scope of the study was created. As a result of the study, concrete uses and equivalents of basic design principles were revealed with the determined examples. Thus, data on how students will benefit from basic design principles have been revealed.