Dinmez, Sinem

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Dinmez, Sinem
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Doktor Öğretim
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

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  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Comparative Cross-Sectional Study on Sexual Function of Couples During Pregnancy: Assisted Reproductive Techniques Versus Spontaneous Conceptions
    (Womens Health & Action Research Centre, 2024) Dinmez, Sinem; Dinmez, Sinem; Torun, Sebahat D.; Osmanoglu, Usame O.; Ebelik Bölümü
    This study aims to compare the sexual functions of couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques (ART) with those conceiving spontaneously during pregnancy. A total of 102 couples participated in this cross-sectional study, with 68 couples in the spontaneous conception group and 34 couples in the ART group. Data collection was conducted face-to-face in the antenatal clinic using separate "Descriptive Information Form" for women and men, "Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)" for women, and "Libido Scoring System (LSS)" for men. Descriptive statistical methods, Chi-square and Fisher exact tests, t-test, and Pearson correlation test were used for data analysis. It was observed that the mean FSFI total scores of women who conceived spontaneously and through ART during pregnancy were at a good level (>= 30), while the mean LSS scores of their partners were at a moderate level (5-7). No statistically significant distinction existed among the groups. Further research is advisable by adjusting the sample selection criteria, such as gravida, duration of ART treatment, and gestational age.