Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader
Name Variants
Seren, Arzu K. Harmanci K.
Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci
Seren, Arzu Harmanci
Seren, Arzu K. Harmanci
Harmanci Seren, Arzu Kader
Harmanci Seren, Arzu K.
Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci
Seren, Arzu Harmanci
Seren, Arzu K. Harmanci
Harmanci Seren, Arzu Kader
Harmanci Seren, Arzu K.
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Supervised Theses
22 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 1An Evaluation of a Web-Based Crisis Management Training Program for Nurse Managers: the Case of the Covid-19 Crisis(Cambridge Univ Press, 2023) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci; Bacaksiz, Feride Eskin; Gungor, Serkan; Bilgin, Osman; Baykal, Ulku; Hemşirelik BölümüObjective:The effective management of nursing services, the main power in patients' care and treatment in the front line of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and nurse managers' effective leadership behaviors in the fight against the pandemic have been important key factors. It is thus critical to support nurse managers, strengthen them through training, and increase their competency so that they can successfully manage crises, disasters, or pandemics. This study aims to assess the effect of a web-based training program on the knowledge levels of nurse managers who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods:This is a randomized controlled experimental study. The study population consisted of the members of the Nurse Managers Association. The intervention group had 30 participants, and the control group had 31 participants in the final. Results:There was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups' mean number of correct pre-test responses (P = 0.843). However, the intervention group's mean number of correct post-test responses was statistically significantly higher than the control group's after the web-based training program (P < 0.001). Conclusions:Web-based training programs can effectively increase nurse managers' knowledge levels. Therefore, web-based training programs should be developed in ordinary times for the management of crisis situations.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Psychometrics of Floden Attitudes Toward Organ Donor Advocacy Instrument in Turkish: a Scale Adaptation Study Among Intensive Care Unit Nurses.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2024) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Utku, Tughan; Kiraner, Ebru; Yayik, Aycan Kelez; Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci; Hemşirelik Bölümü[No Abstract Available]Article Citation Count: 1The Relationship Between Perceived Quality of Care and the Patient Safety Culture of Turkish Nurses(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2022) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Akin, Semiha; Harmanci Seren, Arzu Kader; Hemşirelik BölümüBackground Evaluating nurses' perceived quality of care and safety culture is an essential part of the nursing practice and critical to improving the quality of nursing care. Purpose This study aimed to examine the relationship between perceived quality of care and Turkish nurses' patient safety culture. Methods This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The data were collected from a foundation university hospital in Istanbul. The sample consisted of 116 nurses, and data were collected using the Caring Behaviors Inventory-24 and Patient Safety Culture Scale. The nurses were asked to complete the questionnaires. Results The mean age of participating nurses was 25.95 (SD = 6.72) years. The mean duration of professional experience of the participants was 6.37 (SD = 6.05) years. Most (72.4%) of the participants were women who had graduated from vocational high schools (52.6%) and were working in the neonatal intensive care unit (37.9%). The highest mean subdimension score on the Caring Behaviors Inventory-24 was 5.78 (SD = 0.43) for the knowledge and skills subdimension. The highest mean subdimension score on the Patient Safety Culture Scale was 3.55 (SD = 0.48) for the unexpected event and error reporting subdimension. Statistically significant correlations were found between Caring Behaviors Inventory-24 and Patient Safety Culture Scale scores (r = .553, p < .01), with the lowest correlation found between the employee behavior and knowledge and skills dimensions (r = .305, p = .001). The highest statistically significant correlation coefficients that were found were between the Patient Safety Culture Scale total scores and the connectedness dimension of the Caring Behaviors Inventory-24 (r = .58, p < .001). Conclusions/Implications for Practice Nurses perceive patient care positively and have a positive perception of safety culture. Evaluating the perceived quality of care and patient safety culture perceptions will help prevent adverse events related to patient care and improve the quality of care.Article Citation Count: 2Syrian Refugees' Experiences While Receiving Mental Health Services and Psychiatric Nursing Care: a Qualitative Study(Wiley, 2024) Öztürk, Gizem; Dikeç, Gül; Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Karali, Ece; Nacaroglu, Hamza; Cakir, Hanife; Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci; Hemşirelik BölümüAim: This study examined the experiences of Syrian refugees in a community centre in Turkiye as they access mental health services and receive psychiatric nursing care.Design: A qualitative design was adopted in the study.Methods: Data were collected from southern Turkiye between November and December 2021. The researchers conducted three semi-structured focus group interviews. Colaizzi's phenomenological method was followed to analyse the qualitative data. A total of 19 Syrian refugees participated in the focus group interviews.Results: Three key themes related to immigrants' experiences of receiving mental health services and nursing care were identified: barriers to receiving mental health services, coping with negative experiences in Turkiye and satisfaction with mental health services. The participants identified the barriers they experienced while receiving health services as those pertaining to language, discrimination and stigmatization. They also mentioned the methods of coping with these negative experiences in Turkiye. Despite their negative experiences, they expressed satisfaction with the mental health services they received, especially psychiatric nursing care.Conclusions: This study determined that Syrian refugees face barriers in accessing and receiving mental health services. They stated that mental health professionals in Turkiye approach them with empathy, particularly those in psychiatric nursing. Healthcare professionals may be trained in culturally sensitive care to increase awareness.Article Citation Count: 1Psychometrics of Job Stress-Related Presenteeism Scale Among Turkish Nurses(Sage Publications inc, 2023) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Seren, Arzu K. Harmanci K.; Gilbreath, Brad; Hemşirelik BölümüPresenteeism occurs when workers are present at work but with diminished work capacity due to illness, stress, or other causes. Recent studies report that nursing is one of the leading professional groups experiencing presenteeism. Although studies of illness-related presenteeism predominate, fewer studies have investigated stress-related presenteeism. Nurses in Turkey are particularly vulnerable to stress-related presenteeism because of the country's low nurse-to-patient ratio. A scale for measuring presenteeism from job stress - the Job-Stress-Related-Presenteeism Scale-has been developed but not validated. This study had two objectives: to adapt the Job-Stress-Related-Presenteeism Scale to Turkish to use in measuring of presenteeism from job stress among nurses; and to assess the scale's validity. We conducted a cross-sectional study to test the content validity, construct validity, reliability, and stability of a Turkish version of the Job-Stress-Related Presenteeism Scale on a sample of 261 nurses. The content validity index of the Job-Stress-Related Presenteeism Scale was .65. Item-total score correlation values varied between .44 and .77. The confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the six-item, one-factor construct. The Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficient was .86. Results indicated that our adapted version of the Job-Stress-Related Presenteeism Scale is valid and suitable for use in Turkey.Article Citation Count: 3The Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Job Performance Among Nurses: a Descriptive Survey Study(Wiley, 2023) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Erdal, Nurgul; Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci; Hemşirelik BölümüAimThis study investigated the relationship between nurses' critical thinking skills and job performance and whether critical thinking and its subdomains predict job performance. BackgroundIt is expected that nurses may use critical thinking skills to provide evidence-based quality patient care in health care settings. However, there is limited evidence about whether critical thinking is related to job performance among nurses. DesignThis was a descriptive, cross-sectional survey study. MethodsThe study included 368 nurses working in the inpatient wards of a university hospital in Turkey. The survey included a demographic information questionnaire, the Critical Thinking Scale in Clinical Practice for Nurses and the Nurses' Job Performance Scale. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics, comparisons, reliability and normality tests, correlation and regression analysis. ResultsParticipating nurses got average scores from the critical thinking and job performance scale and sub-scales, and there was a positive, mid-level and statistically significant correlation between the scale scores. According to the multiple linear regression analysis results, personal critical thinking, interpersonal and self-management critical thinking and the total critical thinking scores positively affected the job performance scores of nurses. ConclusionAs critical thinking predicts nurses' job performance, managers of hospitals and nursing services should consider training programs or activities to increase nurses' essential thinking competencies, thus improving clinical nurses' performances.Article Citation Count: 0Psychometric Properties of the Gender Role Attitudes Scale Among Turkish Nursing Students and Factors Affecting Their Attitudes(Wiley, 2022) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Harmanci Seren, Arzu Kader; Hemşirelik BölümüPurpose This study aimed to test the psychometric properties of the Gender Roles Attitudes Scale-Turkish Version (GRAS-TR) and evaluate nursing students' gender role attitudes. Design and Methods This was a psychometric and descriptive study. The sample consisted of 916 nursing students at two state universities in Turkey. Findings The content validity index of the scale was 0.89. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the fit indices were acceptable/good. Test-retest results and Cronbach alpha coefficient showed that the scale has high reliability. Nursing students scored above midlevel from GRAS-TR. Practice Implications GRAS-TR is a valid and reliable instrument. Nursing students who were women, had postgraduate education, few siblings, and were not born/raised in the eastern region had a more egalitarian attitude.Article Citation Count: 0On Clinical Nurses' Views About Diversities- a Qualitative Study(Cell Press, 2024) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci; Hemşirelik BölümüIt is a must for nurses to provide healthcare to people from diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, and genders. This descriptive qualitative study aimed to explore nurses' approaches to various people. The study collected data via semi-structured interviews and contacted 40 nurses through snowball sampling. Most nurses were between the ages of 25-40 and female, 22 of them had postgraduate degrees, and 18 had undergraduate degrees in nursing. Only 10 of them had received special training related to diversity. MaxQda software program was used for content analyses, and four basic themes were determined respectively, "Nurses' perceptions of diversity," "Nurses' perceptions of diversity towards patients," "Nurses' perceptions of diversity towards healthcare professionals," and "Nurses' perceptions of diverse towards the institution." Participant nurses mainly revealed that although legal and organizational procedures aimed to prevent discriminative attitudes in clinical environments, discriminatory attitudes of nurses and healthcare professionals toward diverse people still occurred.Article Citation Count: 5The Relationship Between Nurses' Personality Traits and Their Perceptions of Management by Values, Organizational Justice, and Turnover Intention(Wiley, 2022) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci; Alacam, Burcu; Baykal, Ulku; Hemşirelik BölümüPurpose To determine the relationship between nurses' personality traits and their perceptions of management by values, organizational justice, and turnover intention. Design and Methods It was a descriptive study. A demographic questionnaire, the big five personality scale, the organizational justice scale, the management by values scale, and the turnover intention scale were used to collect data. Findings Data analysis did not demonstrate any relationship between nurses' personality traits and their perceptions of management by values, organizational justice, and turnover intention. However, results of regression analysis concluded that perceptions of management by values affected the nurses' perceptions of organizational justice positively. Practice Implications Nurses' perceptions of organizational justice can be raised and turnover intention may be reduced by improving their perceptions of management by values.Article Citation Count: 3Psychometrics of Stanford Presenteeism Scale-Short Form in Turkish(Cordus, 2022) Harmancı Seren, Arzu Kader; Seren, Arzu Kader Harmanci; Hemşirelik BölümüAIM: Presenteeism means that employees feel obliged to go to work even if there is a real problem that they cannot work.The main purpose is to to adapt the "Stanford Presenteeism Scale-Short Form" into Turkish on Nurses. METHOD: This is a methodological study. The study sample included the nurses working at the medical and surgical clinics of two public hospitals in 2017 in Istanbul. A total of 290 nurses participated in the study. Language, content, construct validities, total item correlation analysis, Kaiser Meyer Olkin, Bartlett tests, confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis (EFA), stability, and Cronbach's alpha reliability analyses were tested. RESULTS: The content validity index of the scale was.92. Two items that have correlation values below.40 were removed from the Turkish form. Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficient was.762. The structure of the four-item and single-factor Turkish form was confirmed. CONCLUSION: Stanford Presenteeism Scale-Short Form is a valid and reliable tool for the nurses in Turkey. It is recommended to be used among nurses in different studies. Hospital and nursing care service managers should deal with "presenteeism," since it is becoming a critical health human resource workforce issue. Health care managers may use this tool to evaluate the presenteeism level of their employees.
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