The Impact of Sport-Specific Warm-Up Practices on Neuromuscular Performance in Junior Male Volleyball Players
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, Yıldız erkek voleybolcularda 12 hafta süreli uygulanan branşa özel ısınma programlarının yaralanma risklerini belirlemede kullanılan nöromüsküler performans test sonuçlarına etkisinin incelenmesidir. Bu araştırmanın tipi ön test- son test kontrol gruplu deneysel modeldir. Bu modele göre her iki gruptan hem deney öncesinde hem de sonrasında ölçüm alınmıştır. Çalışma İstanbul Dereağzı Tesislerinde Voleybol salonunda 01/03/2023 ile 05/06/2023 tarihleri arasında 12 hafta içerisinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmada güven seviyesi, güç analizi yapıldığında etki büyüklüğü 1.1, gücü 0.80 ve anlamlılık 0.05 olarak ele alındığında toplam 24 kişinin yeterli olacağı hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmanın evrenini İstanbul ilinde Yıldız Erkekler kategorisindeki yaşları 15-17 olan 12 kişilik iki takım, toplamda 24 yıldız erkek voleybol sporcusu katılacaktır. Voleybolcuların spor geçmişi ve diğer demografik bilgileri için 'kişisel bilgi formu ' hazırlanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde SPSS (Statistical Package Program for Social Science) 21.0 yazılımından yararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, VOLLEY12+ adlı branşa özgü ısınma programının, genç erkek voleybolcuların nöromüsküler performansları üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırma ve kontrol grupları arasında demografik bilgilerde ve betimsel bilgilerde anlamlı bir farklılık görülmemiş, ancak spor yaşları arasında anlamlı bir fark belirlenmiştir. Performans testleri sonuçlarına göre, Bess testi ve Less testi skorlarında araştırma grubu ile kontrol grubu arasında anlamlı farklar tespit edilmiştir. Y balance testinin tüm açıları değerlendirildiğinde, araştırma ve kontrol grupları arasında ön ve son testlerde anlamlı farklılıklar saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, VOLLEY12+ programının 12 haftalık uygulamasının genç erkek voleybolcuların nöromüsküler performanslarını olumlu yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına dayanarak öneriler şunlardır: Voleybol branşına özgü planlanmış ısınma programlarının sayısının artırılması, VOLLEY12+'nin yaş gruplarına uygulanması, 12 haftalık uygulamanın sezon boyunca devam ettirilmesi ve farklı nöromüsküler performans testlerinin değerlendirilmesi, voleybolun performans parametrelerine katkı sağlayabilir ve literatüre fayda sağlayabilir.
The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of sport-specific warm-up programs applied over a period of 12 weeks on neuro-muscular performance test results used to determine injury risks in junior male volleyball players. The research design employed is a pre-test post-test control group experimental model. Measurements were taken from both groups before and after the experiment according to this model. The study was conducted at the Volleyball Hall of the Istanbul Dereağzı Facilities from March 01, 2023, to June 05, 2023, within a 12-week timeframe. The population of the study consists of 24 junior male volleyball players aged 15-17, forming two teams of 12 players each, competing in Istanbul. A 'personal information form' was prepared to collect the athletes' sports history and other demographic information. SPSS (Statistical Package Program for Social Science) 21.0 software was used for data analysis. In this study, the effect of the branch-specific warm-up program called VOLLEY12+ on the neuromuscular performance of young male volleyball players was investigated. There was no significant difference in demographic and descriptive information between the research and control groups, but a significant difference was determined between sports ages. According to the performance test results, significant differences were detected between the research group and the control group in the Bess test and Less test scores. According to the Y balance test, it was determined that the 12-week application of the VOLLEY12+ program positively affected the neuromuscular performance of young male volleyball players. Therefore, it is suggested that increasing the number of planned warm-up programs specific to the Volleyball branch, applying VOLLEY12+ to age groups, and continuing the 12-week practice throughout the season will contribute to the performance parameters of volleyball.
The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of sport-specific warm-up programs applied over a period of 12 weeks on neuro-muscular performance test results used to determine injury risks in junior male volleyball players. The research design employed is a pre-test post-test control group experimental model. Measurements were taken from both groups before and after the experiment according to this model. The study was conducted at the Volleyball Hall of the Istanbul Dereağzı Facilities from March 01, 2023, to June 05, 2023, within a 12-week timeframe. The population of the study consists of 24 junior male volleyball players aged 15-17, forming two teams of 12 players each, competing in Istanbul. A 'personal information form' was prepared to collect the athletes' sports history and other demographic information. SPSS (Statistical Package Program for Social Science) 21.0 software was used for data analysis. In this study, the effect of the branch-specific warm-up program called VOLLEY12+ on the neuromuscular performance of young male volleyball players was investigated. There was no significant difference in demographic and descriptive information between the research and control groups, but a significant difference was determined between sports ages. According to the performance test results, significant differences were detected between the research group and the control group in the Bess test and Less test scores. According to the Y balance test, it was determined that the 12-week application of the VOLLEY12+ program positively affected the neuromuscular performance of young male volleyball players. Therefore, it is suggested that increasing the number of planned warm-up programs specific to the Volleyball branch, applying VOLLEY12+ to age groups, and continuing the 12-week practice throughout the season will contribute to the performance parameters of volleyball.
Spor, Sports
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