Tosun, Nurhan ZeynepUlker, YeldaTosun, NurhanHalkla İlişkiler ve Reklamcılık Bölümü2025-01-112025-01-11202112630-622010.17829/turcom.805829, the increase in the number of stores has led to the emergence of many stores with similar features. The brands had to determine different strategies from stores of other brands while creating images of their stores because of this situation. In line with this purpose, brands, while creating store images, attach importance to store atmosphere elements such as color, product, packaging, store window layout, and light. In addition, the brands that want to be long-lasting and have the loyalty of the consumer today aim to become icon brands. Brands that endeavor to be icon brands also determine the elements of store atmosphere in line with this purpose. In other words, brands that care about store atmosphere differentiate and address the emotions of consumers, and usually try to become icons. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to determine whether there is a significant relationship between store image and icon brands and their sub-dimensions "brand personality", "identity myth" and brand storytelling perception. For this purpose, the research was applied to university students who consume coffee excessively, and the reflection of Starbucks' store image on icon brand perception was examined. In this context, the sample of the research consists of students of Marmara University. This is because it is the second state university with the highest student population in Istanbul and there are Starbucks stores around the campuses of Marmara University, unlike Istanbul University, which has the highest student population. In the study with a sample of 431 people, according to the regression analysis, there was a significant relationship between store image and icon brand perception. In the light of the data obtained, it is concluded that there is also a significant relationship between brand image and icon brand sub-dimensions "brand personality", "identity myth" and "brand storytelling' perception.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessIcon BrandStore ImageBrandStore AtmosphereCommunicationThe Reflection of Store Image on Icon Brand PerceptionArticleN/A38205221WOS:000740030800005